David is standing as an Independent candidate for the Newton Abbot Constituency in the 12th December 2019 general election.
A special “Election 2019” annexe to this website has been created, detailing David's manifesto and the issues he is standing for.
Hiroshima August 6th 1945
London Agreement - US, UK, France and USSR setting up Nürnberg to prosecute Nazi war criminals - August 8, 1945
Nagasaki August 9th 1945
That is - Each participant knew of a Holocaust as it sat, and would have known of that to follow in less than 24 hours
The fascist -"The sub-human who delights in crushing the life out of humans' as in Gaza. DSH
Summary courtesy of the Palestine Chronicle written by Professor Jeremy Salt, which includes the suppression of 'dissent' by the UK government and its organs, along with its certain complicity in genocide.
E-mails sent over the last 12 hours to friends for truth and our innate humanity, leaders and journalists -
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0026zph/spotlight-evening-news-14012025 Evening 'News'.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czjdr081enlo Online
Dear Spotlight and BBC,
I happened to see this segment - my wife Sue has very poor sight and cannot read 'news' in papers nor online so resorts to what goes for the same via the megawattage.
As a senior doctor and surgeon who has kept abreast of almost all aspects of human medicine, and much else, this report 'stood out'.
Quote from Matthew Hill March 24 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-68407282 Since it was launched (September 2023), the trust said the average wait for an appointment has decreased from 63 days to four.
I have had a lot to deal with this 'unnatural death'; I have used my knowledge as a doctor first and surgeon second, to clarify the forensic elements in this case of global relevance.
His death was all about the war on Iraq - for Israel (see my website and search 'Oded Yinon'). The part played by the paramount psychopath and war criminal SIR Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in that 'aggressive' war from which so many crimes flow - Nuremberg 1, and in the investigation of this single death among millions, is central. He ordered the whitewash of the Hutton inquiry whilst David Kelly's body was still cooling in Harrowdown Wood, and before the identity of the corpse had been confirmed by his GP Dr Warner!
It is now 21 years since his death and over 20 years since our small group - mostly doctors and some with special knowledge first called for an inquest. This is yet to happen, as with the trial of Sir Anthony Blair in an international court.
There is a vast bibliography and videography, some of which is on my hard disc. (BTW - there were seven such - encrypted, in David Kelly's house in Southmoor. These taken by people without uniform, the Thames Valley police having been pushed aside.)
Our group had promised to plead in the High Court for judicial review of the then Attorney General Dominic Grieve in his refusal to instigate an inquest. I kept that promise in Halpin v Regina in a rigged hearing 19-12-2011 and with wide and rapid public support. Of course, 'my' plea failed.
Read more: Deaths with 'covid' - Holmesley Care Home Sidford, Devon, UK
The fascist -"The sub-human who delights in crushing the life out of humans' as in Gaza. DSH
Irony died a long time ago, and truth is very hard to find in the megawattage of the BBC. The lies are infinite in number, and the millions of lives lost in its warmongering never named. Its output plumbs new depths and is joined by 'independent' sister channels - with some truths in Channel 4. Above all there is control of editors, and they almost always toe the line.
Why The BBC acts as a Propaganda Outlet for Israel – An Insider View July 14, 2019 by Gilad Atzmon
The author thanks Wikipedia
The BBC coat of arms features a lion, a thunderbolt, two eagles and a globe, and the motto "Nation shall speak peace unto nation". The motto is based on biblical verses and reflects the BBC's public service and international scope.
The coat of arms of the BBC was adopted in March 1927 to represent the purpose and values of the corporation. It is seldom used nowadays except for ceremonial purposes.
The various elements of the coat of arms were chosen to provide a heraldic translation of the qualities of the BBC.
Dear Prime Minister,
When I first wrote to you, I attempted to use the contact form for No 10. It failed, and this is recorded near the foot of this posting. Having been to Gaza 10 times, and twice with my wife of 63 years Sue, a registered nurse, I am constantly aware of the most terrible suffering in the holocaust in which you are fully complicit - in several ways. As recorded, I wrote to your MP address, that of Mr Lammy, and to your predecessor Mr Sunak. I included your Labour Team address. I had the usual 'auto' replies, but those will not help in any mitigation at Nurnberg 2. You will be in a long list, which includes a former ''Labour'' PM, the paramount psychopath and war criminal SIR A.C.L. Blair.
Quote -We are unable to directly respond to enquiries to this inbox. Please take a look at the options below to find out who to contact: Membership of the Labour Party
If you’d like to tell us something about your membership, please use labour.org.uk/contact or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Membership of the Labour Party. If you’d like to tell us something about your membership, please use labour.org.uk/contact or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. etc
I have for years received daily bulletins from Leslie and Marian Bravery who post from Wellington, NZ. The bulletins have used the Palestine Monitoring Group in Ramallah as the basis. This is covering 08:00, 22 October until 08:00, 23 October 2024