To the Chairman of the General Medical Council of GB, Dame Clare Marx DBE DL, FRCS SFFMLM, and former President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England,
from David Halpin MB BS FRCS and like you, a former trauma and orthopaedic surgeon. This via Claire Taylor of Enquiries Team of the General Medical Council 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3AW
Dear Madam,
We met briefly when the surgeons, past and present of the Princess Elizabeth Orthopaedic Hospital were celebrating at Exeter University the contributions of my late mentor and colleague Robin Ling. I believe you were there as a member of the council of Exeter University. (italics - edited by me today 18-05-2021 - and at the foot) I was surprised that you knew me.
I am sure you will share the concerns I have about the neglect by a Newton Abbot general practice of a friend, Derek Hopkins, a self-employed tyre fitter. I have posted what he and his wife Diana have told me about illness in him which started the same day he received an inoculation (I am avoiding the inaccurate description 'vaccination') on the 10th March. The post -
The clerical officers are working from home as encouraged by HMG so there has been delay in acknowledgement. I have written again seeking this. This is the subsequent correspondence which will be added to the posting on my web site:
Thank you Ms Taylor,
It would be wise if I keep you informed of my concerns in this case. This will be founded on a good knowledge of the related sciences - pathology, immunology, virology, bacteriology and epidemiology. Above all I am concerned that harm is not done to other humans. I am helped in having studied official responses to the Covid_19 (C19) virus since March 2020, and published my conclusions -
These are the essential facts.
1. The mortality rate in those who have been diagnosed properly ** as having this virus as the first cause of death has been very low, except in those frail elderly and those with 'co-morbidity'. The former were put more at risk by discharge of those with the infection to many care homes. The latter formed a reported 95% of those dying 'with' ** C19. (This rate in children was very low but there are trials in place for 'vaccination' against C19 in them -
2. There has been overwhelming propaganda, eg 5 full page colour notices in all UK national and local papers in June 2020, with much since
which has induced fear, especially in those who are lonely or suffering depression with anxiety for instance. Rational responses founded on common sense have been displaced.
And ruthless censorship - eg of Professors Knut Wittkowski and John Ioaniddis right at the start.
3. In the UK there has been reliance on the 'Yellow Card' - for decades. I corresponded in my 11 training years with Dr Herxheimer about the inadequacies in drug trials then. There is gross 'under reporting' of adverse effects here in the UK. In the US a Harvard study combined with another body showed that only 1 to 10% of adverse effects from other immunizations were reported to the Centre for Disease Control.
4. There is a duty which I know the GMC has at the forefront - informed consent. All the evidence shows there is none. One only needs to read the 'information' on the general practice websites, and in the propaganda in the media, to see that confirmed.
5. Right at the centre of the statute which set up the General Medical Council is the Hippocratic principle of 'do no harm'.
** The media, and by volume and perception especially the BBC, have conflated rates of positive RT-PCR tests with the word 'cases'. As this test, using test kits produced by many manufacturers without satisfactory quality control, have been 'rolled out' ever more widely, more and more 'positive' results have been recorded. BBC - Evening News - say - 'Yesterday 47, 563 casesof coronavirus have been recorded.' The GMC should know that the WHO stated that this RT-PCR test, as applied, was unreliable, and that there should be re-testing! The latter of course is impossible, the horses having bolted. This was mostly due to the use of excess cycles of replication. And the GMC should bear in mind that the originator of this test, the late Kary Mullis, said this test was not appropriate for the clinical setting.
There has been very little 'science'. I have heard no reports of autopsies on fatal cases of C19. It was essential to examine the relevant tissues for viral load using electron microscopy. Where are these studies reported? In the UK we start with a very low base. The internet reports that only 1 to 2% of hospital deaths come in recent years to autopsy, and yet it is widely known that pre-mortem diagnoses are found to be wrong in at least 40%. Of course, there is much to this - criteria etc.
There is much the GMC should take in when it responds fully to my tabled concern. This is one of many currently -
The Oxford/AstraZeneca 'vaccine' is not within the scope of the latter, but this should be within your ambit - bearing in mind the fact of variable 'under reporting' of adverse effects -
My sister - 16 months younger and with recurrence or residue of a papillary carcinoma of the thyroid (invasive 6+ years ago due to neglect by her GP then) had her 'jab' - probably the Pfizer one. She has since suffered herpes zoster and probably thinks this is not connected though there are several hundred reported via the MHRA
Quote from first link re Pfizer Herpes zoster 414 See above. THis latter probably happening because of induced reduction of 'immunity'. The long lists are a 'rag bag' gathered by outsourced 'Artificial Intelligence' I understand, but given known under reporting and specific diagnoses - say 'facial paralysis' - would mostly be the eponymous 'Bell's palsy - 319 will likely be significant.
An update re my friend Derek Hopkins
26-04 Dear David
Just to let you know that Albany Surgery have made contact today and Derek has to go for a blood test next week.
Kind Regards Dianne Hopkins.
My reply - 'About time but I note 'next week'.
I add that if thrombosis was part of his illness, further delay in the D dimer test is regrettable , and I question why there is delay.
I have posted this on my website, and will include the GMC's later conclusions -
I revere openness
with kind regards
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
On 26/04/2021 3:40 pm, GMC Fitness to Practise FI wrote:
Dear Dr Halpin
Thank you for your concern regarding Mr Hopkins.
I can confirm safe receipt, and I have passed this information along for consideration.
We aim to be in touch again within the next two weeks.
Kind Regards
Claire Taylor
Enquiries Team General Medical Council
In conclusion madam, I draw your attention to this video
or, if it suffers the ruthless censorship current since March 2020
Dr Roger Hodkinson MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP of the province of Alberta speaks from a text. I agree with every word. He is primarily a pathologist but has a wide experience as a doctor.
Dr Charles Hoffe BSc, MB, BCh, LMCC a family doctor in the north of British Columbia serving the native people among others. His excellence of mind and practice is evident, and contrasts with the neglect suffered by my friend at the hands of general practitioners of the Albany Clinic, Newton Abbot, Devon His letter to Dr Bonnie Henry the relevant medical officer for health was the trigger for this interview - attached. (Some of the video might seem extraneous but the questions and input from the station host Laura Lyn are inportant.
I ask you, as a former specialist doctor with several accolades, to deal with urgently. I add that I have had unsatisfactory responses from the GMC myself regarding my investigations into the forensic pathology to do with Dr David Kelly CMG DSc 13 refs
I insist that the GMC apply the same speed with which it ''de-registered'' my courageous fellow FRCS England Mohammad Adil for speaking out against the induced insanity to do with Covid_19 infection. His concern was primarily about the livelihoods of humans in this, his second home. I will ask him to agree to have his brief but very shocking testimony of his treatment by the GMC at the head of the final version of this post.
yours faithfully and for truth, reason and justice
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
Note: This is the link to the first key posting, repeating the link within the letter to Dame Clare Marx: