On Friday of last week we were treated to a BBC ‘exclusive’. Twenty ‘Al Qaeda’ personnel had been arrested three months previously in the Yemen. They had ‘confessed’ to planning a truck bombing of the British Embassy there. A connection with Iran was conveniently alleged. By midnight the Iran bit was omitted and by next morning ‘confessed’ had become ‘admitted’. The rawness of the word torture needs to be kept from our sleeping populations, as well as the fact that we provide both the political and electrical stimuli for such.
This media ‘event’ had been planned for days. The Outside Broadcast Unit had probably arrived chez Blair at midday to ensure sound connections. Dubya followed his friend’s contribution on ‘News at Ten’ within minutes. It was obviously all a very elaborate construction.
Word has it that the Downing Street/ BBC/BBC Emergency Announcement Unit is planning to break into the Queen’s Christmas broadcast. The ‘jack’ will tell us that Ariel Sharon has decided to divest himself of his several hundred nuclear weapons. He will not be speaking himself but instead a still will be shown of Ariel shaking hands with Mordechai Vanunu as he leaves prison after eighteen years in solitary confinement.
And at Hogmanay, amongst all the tartan both liquid and woven, there will be another emergency bulletin. The ‘jack’ will be up there on the ramparts all of a sudden with floodlights full beam. He will announce the nuclear disarmament of GB and fore-swear the exportation of all arms and all future humbug African style.
So there we have it. Peace in our time whilst the nation is slumped warm on its sofa. The BBC/BBC must have worked out that propaganda sinks surreptitiously into the ‘knowing zone’ when the subjects have a working week behind them, some pleasure in store and just that bit of cognitive blunting agent in the veins.