20th January 2014
Sir Kevin Barron PC
Chairman of the Standards and Privileges Committee
House of Commons UK
Dear Sir Kevin,
I sent this letter below by e-mail to the Committee for Standards in Public Life. One of its clerical staff told me that Ms Hudson, Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, should deal with it. Mr Prawer in that office says that Ms Hudson cannot deal with this and suggested I approach your committee. As a retired doctor, surgeon and senior citizen, I do not take easily to the game of 'pass the parcel'. I regard this as a most important matter and will be sticking with it.
Read more: Letter to Standards and Privileges Committee of the House of Commons
Dear Mr Stride,
My friends and fellow analysts are aware that you would not forward my last letter to the FCO about Syria and the unlawful actions and words of the UK. But it is on my web site
I presume you will be in the house tomorrow.
Read more: Announcement by Cameron and Hague that Syria is to be attacked with missiles
Dear Mr Stride, You and your staff should view a report on BBC News last night if you have not done so already. Two parts - the shooting in the head x2 of a 14 yr old boy by one of the rabbles. He had refused to give him a free cup of coffee unless 'the Prophet returned'. The second part is of flogging with an electric cable x50 (for the ring leader) after a 'hearing' in a 'Sharia court'. These people being allies of Messrs Cameron and Hague means this must be seen by all MPs and others who express support for these fighters for demos - the people, crazy.
Dear Mr Stride,
Today in Helmand on the 'front line' - Mr Cameron said the political process should mean "those people are prepared to give up the bomb, the bullet, can actually be part of that process, part of that future Afghanistan". Huffington Post But the bomb, the bullet, the SAMs, the heavy machine guns, the mortars for the rabbles.
The rank hypocrisy we hear from this nation's leaders causes millions of us to feel the deepest shame for the lack of principle and law in our nation.
Read more: Re: Her Majesty's Ambassador to Israel and the law