I have had a long and friendly relationship with our local 'rag' - the Mid Devon Advertiser based in Newton Abbot. I have written quite often for instance about the closure of community hospitals. About 70% of such beds in these crucial hospitals have been closed in Devon. The fascists in Westminster have minds and intentions that see OUR NHS as being too good for the common woman and man. They want a return to a 'cap in hand' Victorian model, or up your mortgage to find £15,000 to relieve the pain and disability so easily treated by a hip replacement.
I had an especially friendly and productive relationship with Patrick Beasley, a long serving senior journalist on this paper. He encouraged me to write a series of 'In My Opinion by Doctor David Halpin'. There were about 22 in all, and included warm and inspiring pieces like this attached. He told me that they were much appreciated and some older people thanked me in the street for them.
"But the last piece I presented to the MDA on the 31st of October was mangled purposely. The week previously that attached second was published 27-10-2023, but no doubt the Zionist and right-wing lobbies got on the blower. The catch was that I had mentioned a genocide which in fact started in 1947 in Palestine, and which has been incremental since reaching its apogee Oct 7th 2023. Read - Ilan Pappe - The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. The text of this article as sent 31-10-23 is attached third. I cannot find my scanning of the version the MDA printed, but the crucial quotation of John Donne was crippled, and the font reduced to make it difficult to read, especially for the elderly."
Read more: Truth Tindled; David Halpin Censored: The Continuum of Fascism Part Seven
BBC TV ‘News’ at 10pm GMT 28-01-20 showed jubilant scenes at the White House as President Trump trumpeted a final solution for Plan Dalet (1) in company with the Prime Minister of Israel.
There had been extensive coverage of the 75thanniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen Belsen on the BBC. The news reader Reeta Chakrabarti reported from Auschwitz, where the Duke of Cambridge and his wife were part of the ceremony of remembrance and presumed determination against repetition. The Prince of Wales was shown at Vad Yashem, a mile from an unmarked Deir Yassin (2) where he gave a speech after he had shared a warm hand shake with Vladimir Putin. That speech (3) included these words -
“And we must never forget that every human being is be-tselem Elokim, “in the image of God,” and even a single human life is ke-olam malei, “like an entire universe.”
“ …. and to ensuring that those who lived through this darkness will forever, as in the words of the prophet Isaiah, be “a light unto the nations,” to guide the generations that follow.”
Shoah (שואה) , in the text of his speech is spelt with a capital S, just as the Nazi instigated Holocaust is spelt with a capital. These capitals require thought, because they speak of the exclusive, whereas shoahs are common. (4) One was promised by assistant Defence Minister Matan Vilnai (5) to the Palestinian people of Gaza, mostly descended from the largest part of the 800,000 refugees from Plan Dalet.
The Prince of Wales did not refer to the £5 billion attack weapon that is near completion bearing his name. Nor to the other aircraft carrier bearing his mother’s official name, HMS Queen Elizabeth (6). That was with a large US fleet in the Persian Gulf earlier in 2019, waiting for the pretext to attack Iran. The one half of the ‘Peace Deal’, absent of the Palestinian fraction, had been urging the destruction of Iran for a decade at least. Hilary Clinton had echoed this (7) - “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”
Read more: The KushnerTrump ‘Peace Deal’: BBC - You’ve lost. Get Over it!
Every citizen of Britain, be they either asleep or outraged by a country lowered by design, should see and hear every word of this comedy for tragedy
Read more: OUR NHS and Iran in the Cross Hairs of the “World’s Greatest Alliance”
Dear Colleagues,
Slept short last Friday - of course. Just missed 'Sailing By' - a peaceful, synthetic music lullaby, the best of the BBC. Shipping forecast - recalling the exquisite science of meteorology, the skills of the merchant marine and the courage of fisher folk.
Woke to World Service, funded still by the execrable FCO, 'The Real Story'. Excellent. Ecological scientists patched in from Norway, Germany, Spain, Britain and the US - Richard Roberts Nobel what? the stain. The most informative and stolid - Doug Parr, Chief Scientist of Greenpeace.
Then the switch at 5.20am BST to the black propaganda. Houthi 'rebels' withdrawing from the 3 ports - Hadeida + as per a peace agreement forged in December!! No mention of £4+billion BAe arms sales to the current decapitators of 47 dissident voices. A UN woman spokesman - in tune with prop. But later, the great uplift. A black bird's song at dawn -
Dear Mr Shaw,
I have not heard from you, as one of the 25 million licence payers and someone with a close knowledge of the Middle East. This country is in TROUBLE and its citizens should be informed for several reasons.
The number of arrests following this latest killing is unprecedented. That suggests a large cell. The picture painted by Tony Cartalucci appears to fit. That is there is an organization bent on further killing and mayhem that has had a benign relationship with the SIS. If this organization is the LIFG and the UK has colluded with it, we must be told.
You will know by now. Is this cell LIFG and if not, what is its character/name.
Thank you
David Halpin