Evening 'News'. Online
Dear Spotlight and BBC,
I happened to see this segment - my wife Sue has very poor sight and cannot read 'news' in papers nor online so resorts to what goes for the same via the megawattage.
As a senior doctor and surgeon who has kept abreast of almost all aspects of human medicine, and much else, this report 'stood out'.
Quote from Matthew Hill March 24 Since it was launched (September 2023), the trust said the average wait for an appointment has decreased from 63 days to four.
Motto 'Nation shall Speak Peace unto Nation'. Narrator re Gaza - Chief Diplomatic Correspondent Paul Adams
This broadcast was presented by Ms Katya Adler, formerly correspondent in Brussels, the guts of the European Union. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen is its ever smiling non-elected president and physician. (1). It was she who in e-mail correspondence with Bourla of Pfizer ordered 1.8 billion coronavirus vaccine doses in May 2021. The chain of e-mails about this toxic junk went missing, like the natural immunity of the victims receiving this RNA 'vaccine'. The cost of this 'contract' if completed would be 35 billion euros. (2)
It starts with a 4-12 minute segment reporting heavy snowfall in Scotland and Cumbria, the reporter one Yunus Mulla. "Chaos - drivers trapped in their vehicles 'without food and water' - 2,500 without electricity - not 2.2 million - a generous citizen had provided a bed for the night for a stranded motorist - a Christian church community centre in Ambleside opened for others stranded - government warning not to drive unless necessary."
The next segment - the 'chaos' in Gaza, but with the other occupied territories omitted, starts at 5-30 minutes. We are warned of potential distress being caused by images - so some will switch off. Paul Adams narrates the next 3-16 minutes.
Read more: BBC Evening 'News' Sunday: 3-12-23 Holocaust in Gaza: Part One
Has there been a big protest meeting by the clock tower in response to this reckless cruelty? No.
When serving as an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon at Torbay up to 1992, I had to care for a few patients who came in with a fractured hip and hypothermia. They had fallen in their cold homes and could not call for help. They lay in pain, often in night clothes as their bodies cooled. Gradually they became unconscious as their core temperature fell. An essential low reading thermometer would record that.
The victim would be rewarmed gradually after the limb was put on traction. Examination and blood tests might have revealed low thyroid function thus making our elderly human more susceptible to unsteadiness and hypothermia. I recall an old lady whom I diagnosed with this who was on Ainslie ward for weeks, ‘geriatric’ beds being many but full. Some would die of bronchopneumona.
And what of our neighbour Agnes and her little Yorkie Tia? I presume that EDF was able to cut off her electricity remotely – twice, because she had been inveigled into having a ‘smart’ meter. Our ‘government’ has spent £12 billion propagandising this nonsense. Older readers will remember we had a Central Electricity Generating Board, and regional boards supplying this most wonderful invention of mankind – SWEB here in the SW. Then we had privatisation - ‘Don’t Tell Sid’ about the North Sea Gas sell off, and all the rest. That wonderful bounty found right by our sceptred isle, when fossil fuel, used wisely, was producing CO2 - the stuff of all vegetation, and which gives us back the oxygen.I recall a Brixham lady whose son was a senior in the CEGB. He was over in the US learning how, in madness, a market was made every 30 minutes for purchasing electricity. The engineers there said that the UK had the best system and why were we ditching it. The answers of course were several but private profit was at the top. As with OUR NHS – public is bad, private is good. And so we have this disgusting story of dear Agnes who has one seeing eye, but with only 20% of normal.
Dear Letters Editor,
I see that Mel Stride MP backs 'Boris' in sending two lots of missiles to the Ukraine - MDA last week, one with an 80 km reach.
Has he forgotten our war time leader, and the fight against fascists then? 'Jaw jaw is better than war'.
And does he not know or wish to take into account these facts.
The Minsk agreement thrashed out between Russia, the Ukraine, Germany and France in 2014 agreed that there should be autonomy for the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk.
That this was quickly broken by Ukraine after the Maidan coup, when a democratically elected President was 'ousted'. It is recorded that about 14,000 persons - adults, children and soldiers in these two eastern provinces have been killed since 2014.
Dear Letters Editor,
I am very pleased that the MDA published letters under a separate planning headline; my own was included. I intend to send this to each of the TDC councillors.
They appear to be hell bent on getting 'developers' with wrecking ball and swing shovel busy in our already much damaged town. I have listed part of its record. A 40 acre solar 'farm' in the Haldon Hills courtesy of Mr Alan Connett 'Leader of the Council/Executive Portfolio Holder for Strategic Direction', erasure of the bus station and erection of a brick elephant, Sherborne House, and the lump of Asda opposite the whimsical architecture of the Passmore Library. The latter epitomises the absence of taste and wisdom in the TDC. And add the Wolborough acres.
How much does each councillor care - for our towns and villagers, for the country around or for the views of the voters/council tax payers?
This is a case in point. 21/01721/AGR - Land at Combeinteignhead - 21/00381/ENF An application for an agricultural building was made by the new owner of Cow Field in Combe-in-Teignhead. This field rises steeply to 250ft. One can almost spit on the village from its peak. The plan is to grow saffron (ie from crocuses), flowers and potatoes. But it is not arable land and gets the full force of south-westerly gales. A building at the top is to be 22ft long I understand. Mr Joubert of the TCD 'planning' department approved this application and 'low impact' was part of his assessment! Poly tunnels would be needed to grow any flowers.
About 600 hundred yards to the south, a large agricultural barn was approved in 2011 and yet there were only 40 acres with it, and horses ie not an agricultural use, were part time occupants with sheep. In 2016, the head of TDC planning, Mr Nick Davies, gave permission for conversion to a dwelling. This structure is close to the hill top and has views in almost all directions. I felt strongly about the desecration and the principle and involved a lawyer at my cost, but to no avail.. Having planted 28 acres of woodland to enhance habitats and landscape, I feel strongly about vandalism.
Read more: Does Teignbridge Council care? Consider its 'planning'