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Core Issues

Dear Heather,

Your analysis is very accurate, and mine.  I am so glad you cited Milton Mayer.  Shamefully I have never read his book.  SAlways reacting to the poneros.  He was a journalist.  I recall that he had a 'quiet funeral' like Howard Zinn, another 'Jew' of the finest morals.  Interesting.  I have sent these quotes from Mayer out for at least 15 years.  Hundreds of times.  I cannot recall, and you know my memory, more than one or two responses - and many go out to people I know and respect.  Psychology is all important.

I have found time, when staying awake after a pee usually, to read a book reviewed in the Morning Star about 11 years ago - just before I left after it swerved towards Zion, that black hill in Jerusalem.  This very brave psychologist was studying poneros -evil with 2 others under the heel of 'communism'. 

Political Ponerology     Andrew M. Lobaczewski  ISBN-13:978-1897244470   Red Pill Press  North Carolina -unincorporated community.  A short list of books of seminal nature  Graham who sent it from the States put in -

Dear David,  hope you find the information helpful.  best wishes Graham.  the e-mail address is still live - (unless the CIA are diverting mails)

love and truth dear Heather


On 11/12/2019 11:15 pm, Heather Stroud wrote:

This in response to my communication with the organisers of the hustings event. David, you will note I borrowed your quote.

Subject: Hustings.
Thank you both for your responses. In reading them I realise we are not so far in our thinking. You  confirm my frustration that these hustings are, by there very nature, only designed to be an introduction to the candidates that can only ever reach a shallow understanding of what their values are. It’s this leads me to question the format and wonder if there is a way we can achieve something deeper. Having been alert to government changes over many years through my involvement in negotiations with the British Government in Hong Kong in relation to the treatment of asylum seekers, I do see a trend in ever tighter and tighter controls that I find very disturbing. Like others who have taken a stand by speaking out I share a sense of urgency in addressing these issues.

As you will see from my published article the question I posed regarding Julian Assange goes way beyond his individual injustice. In fact it goes right to the heart of government. What kind of government do we have and how far away is it to the kind of government we aspire to have. As stated this question relates to freedom of speech, to democracy and to justice. His case raises the question as to who is actually in charge of making policy decisions within the UK. Certainly not us the sovereign electorate. In allowing the arbitrary detention of Julian Assange for revealing war crimes committed in the US, our government is ( like the US) sending out a message that those who challenge power will not be tolerated. The US and UK are in many ways on a parallel track. 

The US is ahead of us in having privatised all of their public services. They have don’t have a health care system that is available to everyone. Even in the private sector it’s said that it is nowhere near to the standard of the NHS. Am I moving far away from the question relating to the arbitrary detention of Julian Assange? ... No, not at all. Dr. Bob Gill and others who are speaking out about the stealth employed in the ‘sell off’ of the NHS are fully aware that in speaking out in today’s climate of control it will likely not only cost them their job but jeopardise their career as medical professionals. It’s happened and is happening to many such whistleblowers. I could site the case of a banking whistleblower not so far from home.

Democracy has never been given to us. It was something that had to be fought for by our forebears and as a result of our complacency will no doubt have to be fought for again. Our welfare system, along with our treasured jewel the NHS, was largely granted to us because of fears that the influence of communism was taking seed amongst the disenchanted workers who had returned home from the Second World War. Of course there were genuinely good people like Bevin and others, at the forefront fighting for these reforms. There was also a motive on the part of the ruling elite to get the economy moving again to foster their own wealth. Most gains within society happen as a result of struggle and a convergence of other factors.

I consider myself to have been born during the golden years soon after the war... free education (including university) free health care (including dental and eye care), cheap rental accommodation, cheap buses ( including trains). Energy, water, transport, prisons were all owned in public hands. There was no outsourcing or shareholder profits, children we were free to play and to explore, not coming home until it was tea time or it was getting dark. We took ourselves to school because no one questioned that we weren’t safe. I don’t remember there being so many  young homeless people .. living and dying on the streets. Maybe the odd tramp who had chosen a lifestyle of the open road.

We thought there would be no more wars, then came the Falklands, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and where else might we be fighting covertly. Certainly our weapons have appeared in Yemen. I could say much more, but the evidence is there... what we had is slowly being stripped away.

They Thought They Were Free'
by Milton Mayer, The Germans, 1938-45

"What no one seemed to notice was the ever widening gap between the government and the people. And it became always wider.....the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting, it provided an excuse not to think....for people who did not want to think anyway gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about.....and kept us so busy with continuous changes and 'crises' and so the machinations of the 'national enemies,'  without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us.....

"Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these 'little measures'.....must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing.....Each act is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next.

"You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow. You don't want to act, or even talk, don't want to 'go out of your way to make trouble.'  But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes.

"That's the difficulty. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves, when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed.

"You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things your father.....could never have imagined."

Warmest wishes, Heather

What figure the leaving present? What is the pension value?

First - The basic annual salary of an MP in the House of Commons was £76,011, as of April 2017. The basic salary of an MP is due to increase by 2.7% from 1 April 2019 from the current rate of £77,379 to £79,468 as announced on Thursday 28 February 2019 by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa).

When I intended to stand against ‘Ben’ Bradshaw MP (and member of the Henty Jackson Society) in 2010, I planned IF successful, to give away all in excess of the average wage in GB.

ONS May > 2019 Figure 2: “Despite recent growth, earnings in real terms are lower than before the 2008 to 2009 recession”

For July 2019, average regular pay, before tax and other deductions, for employees in Great Britain was estimated at: £507 per week in nominal terms 52x = £26,364

My NHS pension with an added ‘industrial injury’ award added + the State pension is more than adequate. (I believe we doctors, nurses, physios, porters etc paid in 6% of our salaries.) Sue and I live well within this generous pension. eg. Happy with a good fourth hand Subaru Outback.

The balance BEFORE tax etc = £53,104 could be put to good use. To help make good microscopically a bit of that made wrong by government or neglected – like the homeless child.

Dr Kelly’s death was all about the Iraq war. I have revealed the lies from early on – 16-12-03 and stuck with it. Many, many thousands of hours + about £7000. I have come to a conclusion now, but for a little corroboration – which matters little. I will write this up separately, and later within three books. Solid state laptop for quiet writing ordered.

Via my web site see and read the third if nothing else.

DO READ the translation of a short tract by Oded Yinon re. the desired decimation of all Arab states/entities

Presently destabilise (as with OUR NHS over years) other countries. Vicious sanctions, acts of war, against Iran and Syria – joined with the EU. Why? Are not the 90 milllion Iranians friends and humans. A large fleet – lead by USS Abraham Lincoln and HMS Queen Elizabeth are waiting in the Persian Gulf for a false flag to attack Iran, as Netanyahu has been urging for 10 year. Syria – a united and ancient people – growth rate 10% just before the terrorists were inserted by Saudi and the US.

Then attack. Iraq notably. Libya later, and much else. Aggressive war - ‘from which all other crimes flow’. Nuremberg – 1946. Germans hung. No hanging of President Johnson, Blair, Bush, Cameron etc etc.

Symbols – HMS Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles. Attack weapons only. Illegal by Nuremberg and UN Charter. Never said. £5 billion each (pull the other one). F35Bs - £80 million each.

TURN each into hospital ships, surgeons – some retired or part retired. One to Iraq, Basra – later Libya >> Help with local staff to heal the thousands WE have maimed. Psychiatry as well. One to deal around British ports the very many waiting, waiting for treatment. DIAGNOSIS AND SELECTION OF TREATMENT AT THE FORE.

Firstly we all should discuss this very important subject with as many established facts on the table and without the hysteria ** and actual lawlessness. XR is an example. Ms Gail Bradbrook, being one of the two founders of XR, was on Youtube having been interviewed by Russell Brand. No logic, no facts, no link to it for some days.

Measuring ‘global’ heating and coming to a true conclusion is very difficult but must take place. Oft repeated anecdotes of the frequent extreme weather events do not prove ‘climate change’. Look at the very large boulders in the brecchia in Combe parish – tumbled to smoothness in the Ice Ages.

Note the +ve feedback mechanism – small rise in CO2 level > spurs vegetative growth.

Example via BBC Farming Today – Lea Valley market gardens. Boilers turned on IN SUMMER, to produce CO2 which is trickled, being heavier than air, into the peppers, cucumber vines etc.

Note Prof David Bellamy - ‘banned’ by the BBC after he voiced a contrary opinion.

C C first promoted world wide by Bliar and Gore, the latter with dodgy data.

I observe the ‘precautionary principle’. Examples -

Gardened whenever we could – as an SHO in Bristol I dug two private ‘allotments’

Always frugal with the earth’s resources – always re-cycling

Compost all green waste – from the kitchen, wood chips from our forestry

Farmed in a small way organically but without £75 membership fee

Planted/had planted 28 acres of broad leafed woods at Combe.

Included 7 acres of pasture

Not ‘flown’ for at least 10 years, and then always to be in Gaza/Palestine with a crucified native people. Cf with Helen Chessum and her recent letter in the MDA. (To be scanned later – cutting not found)

There is much shallow thought. eg When there is a high, a drift from the east. Often with haar, that can last for several weeks – say in Feb. Very cold, leaden skies, NO wind and NO sun. Relying then on fossil fuel and a bit of hydro. AND nuclear power. With the latter – NO solution for disposal/storage of waste isotopes. NO absolute exclusion of the risk of >critical>fire> dospersal world wide of germ cell, somatic cell damage by long lived or even very short half-life isotopes.

Three Mile Island, Windscale (I 131) – RENAMED SELLAFIELD, Chernobyl, Fukushima. Latter still being quenched with sea water. All facts played right down by the lovely BBC/ZBC.

See letter below in the MDA.

Strike price for juice from Hinkley – French EDF – twice present cost. Slow building, poor ground! Of course – estuarial. Workers suffering mental illness - ?from oppressive foremen/’managers’.

I call for well informed RATIONAL discussion by all interested citizens AND observation of the ‘precautionary principle’.

for truth

David Halpin MB BS FRCS

** the ridiculous TDC’s ‘Climate Emergency’


Title Global Warming. 27-06-17

Dear Letters Editor, MDA

I respond to Helen Chessum's letter in last week's MDA which made a plea for us to react to climate change, because I am sceptical.

However, I believe in the precautionary principle.  We have had a wood burner for 40 years, planted many trees on poor ground and supply logs.  We do not 'fly', and use the train for longer journeys.  This whilst there are more cars than ever, plus more air and ship miles.

The early proponents of climate change included Al Gore and Blair!  The former used dodgy graphs to make his case.

The focus is on carbon dioxide although methane is a much more potent atmospheric blanket.  People might not know that small increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide stimulates  vegetative growth.  In those vast greenhouse in the Lea Valley, the boilers are turned on in summer in order to produce this gas.  This is trickled over the salad crops to spur growth.  (BBC Farming Today.)

Question.  5000 years ago our forebears were harvesting einkorn, spelt and millet here on the uplands of Dartmoor.  You can still see the walls - reves now.  Was this cycle of warming local regional or global?  It was not due to the burning of fossil fuel !  Was it related to sun spot activity, a possible factor in any warming now?

Lies are masked within the fully justified debate on warming.  The government is calling the energy that will come from the massive Hinkley Point C, "clean energy'.  This when the disposal of nuclear waste is insoluble and medium level waste is leaking from the tanks at Sellafield.  Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl are down the memory hole, whilst at Fukushima they are still quenching the nuclear fires there.  Very potent isotopes have washed into the Pacific ever since two reactors blew up.