Promoted as a colour choice by the “media”
Tweedledum, Tweedledee and tweedle – currently Ms Swinson! How many studying the FACTS behind the hype? Keep the Punch and Judy show going, and highlight the leaders.
See my article in the good Mid Devon Advertiser –
“Yes it is, no it ain’t” Whack, whack!
And very short memories in the polity keep it going. BUT – obvious to many. 2 quotes from latter - “Most have seen the denizens in Parliament for what they are. There is anger and loathing in many throughout these isles.”
“Party politics' has failed miserably. Most citizens have suffered under it.”
Party politics are dead. Dead as that parrot. They have killed ‘party politics’ stone dead themselves.
First know that funds go from developers to the Tory war chest. And that the Tory government dictates the numbers that local councils MUST build.
What of the calibre of the average county or district councillor? You might vote for them or more often not take the trouble? Are they people who have done or are doing a good job, of probity, and with good brains?
Where do all the purchasers of all these new houses come from. Ex-councillor Christophers – 80% ‘local couples living with their parents’! Any survey done of house buyers. Total GB mortgage debt £1.3 trillion. Average age at end – 69 years! Are they retirees (NHS), family structure?, working ?local, ?commuting. Cranbrook – population ‘parachuted’ in. Very inspiring primary head but what ratio those labelled ‘special needs’.
No record of percentage but OFSTED happy.
Age Range 2 - 16 Gender Mixed Number of pupils 563 School capacity 1420
“Learn 2x faster for free with Seneca. Join 2,400,000 students using Seneca as the funnest way to boost their KS2, KS3, GCSE & A Level grades. And it's free!” Apologies to Aldous Huxley.
Digging for food and for fun. Allotments on these new estates? Percentage of ‘developed’ ground.
At home. Increase police numbers and criminologists. Any secret society to be declared on applications to join, and in service. Scrupulous selection based on education, social awareness and personal principles. Wrongdoing – timely investigation and whewre necessary prosecution. Continued into retirement of officers whenever necessary. All voluntary interviews, arrests etc – noy guilty until proven. Re-instatement of a National Forensic Service with the most strict guidelines as to response times and practice. The recruitment and listing of pathologists for the Home Office must be by the most excellent police persons, physicians and lawyers in the field.
Abroad. All leaders of aggressive wars in recent decades to be brought to the Hague or similar structure without fail. Without well proven convictions, war will be infinite and global annihilation certain. The psychopath might crave the apocalypse. Blair and his ‘sofa cabinet’ are to be pursued straight away. The actions and words of Cameron et al, and May and Johnson et al are to be examined by an international group of lawyers. These to include Falk, McKinney, …… and to be advised by Halliday and Von Sponeck universal jurisdiction law.
OUR NHS is on its beam end BY DESIGN. Money is only part of many answers. No 12 hour shifts for any NHS servant – especially nurses. Meal breaks sacrosanct – therefore more professional staff – RGNs etc. ‘Back to nursing’ schools lead by carefully selected tutors – with mileage allowances etc. Bursaries to be given to nurses etc who return to the NHS IF they claim
such. New ‘whistleblowing’ contract for all servants of OUR NHS – inviolate. Compare with airline pilots.
Morale and esprits de corps to be restored to OUR great NHS by all means. Some present ‘care’ is grossly negligent; standards have fallen very badly.
OUR NHS has been set up to fail – by the ‘neo-liberal’ conspirators in each of the three main parties – starting with Margaret Thatcher LG, OM, DStJ, PC, FRS, HonFRSC and Sir Nicholas Ridley, Baron Ridley of Liddesdale, PC through Milburn, Lansley, Cameron/Clegg and the many.
Public Health
Take out of County Council hands. A sub-ministry of the DoH. The epidemics of obesity, alcoholism, drug and gambling addiction etc to be studied by the best minds, ways forward tried and very carefully monitored.
Advertising of gambling to be banned, and that of alcohol greatly curtailed with industry agreement.
Sexual health to be taught in schools by professionals (nursing, medical – especially bacteriorologists in parallel with Open University programmes.
Barrier contraception to be promoted outside of constant relationship. HPV vaccination of boys – actual and propaganda for, to be removed.
Education ducere: ducere – to lead
School budgets to be increased, from the centre, after all heads and governing boards present simple accounts for the last 3 years, and say what they need in extra money. Class size, percentage if ‘special needs’ children, social deprivation, free school meals, foreign first tongue etc to be factors in uplifting budgets. The arts and crafts – pottery, collage, felting etc etc etc to be ubiquitous in British schools.