I have had a lot to deal with this 'unnatural death'; I have used my knowledge as a doctor first and surgeon second, to clarify the forensic elements in this case of global relevance.
His death was all about the war on Iraq - for Israel (see my website and search 'Oded Yinon'). The part played by the paramount psychopath and war criminal SIR Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in that 'aggressive' war from which so many crimes flow - Nuremberg 1, and in the investigation of this single death among millions, is central. He ordered the whitewash of the Hutton inquiry whilst David Kelly's body was still cooling in Harrowdown Wood, and before the identity of the corpse had been confirmed by his GP Dr Warner!
It is now 21 years since his death and over 20 years since our small group - mostly doctors and some with special knowledge first called for an inquest. This is yet to happen, as with the trial of Sir Anthony Blair in an international court.
There is a vast bibliography and videography, some of which is on my hard disc. (BTW - there were seven such - encrypted, in David Kelly's house in Southmoor. These taken by people without uniform, the Thames Valley police having been pushed aside.)
Our group had promised to plead in the High Court for judicial review of the then Attorney General Dominic Grieve in his refusal to instigate an inquest. I kept that promise in Halpin v Regina in a rigged hearing 19-12-2011 and with wide and rapid public support. Of course, 'my' plea failed.
Read more: Deaths with 'covid' - Holmesley Care Home Sidford, Devon, UK
FAO Chief Constable John Robins QPM DL URGENT
Dear Chief Constable,
Please forgive the length of this message; the matters within are of extreme importance. There is risk of injury, even death. I add alteration of the genomes of children, with unknown long term effects.
I write as a senior doctor and as a retired orthopaedic and trauma surgeon. I have healed thousands of fellow humans, including many children. All this done with joy and with the best teams by my side. We did not need to take the abbreviated Hippocratic oath - 'do no harm'. It was instinctual and the reason why we were educated and trained in medicine and in the allied professions eg nursing, physiotherapy etc.
I informed Chief Constable John Campbell QPM, LLB, MBA of the Thames Valley Police of a previous and intended criminal assault on the 4th of March 2021
This was a trial on seven groups of children from ages 6 to 17 of the Oxford/AstraZenica 'covid' ''vaccine''. (Parentheses since it was not a vaccine in the conventional sense).
The children were to be inoculated in five DGHs. The trial was halted. I wrote later to Professor Anthony Pollard who conceived this product, and who lead this trial. I had corresponded with him and his team previously. I asked why the trial had been halted. I had no answer. It is possible of course that CC Campbell made inquiries of Professor Pollard and that was a factor in the 'trial' being halted.
Read more: Criminal assault on children by 'doctors': ModeRNA
This at 12.10 7-01-23 I linked to 'VigiAccess' as urged by Marilyn Day, noting the caveats re access and 'confidentiality' - https://www.vigiaccess.org/
There is a vast list of ADRs for this product on the AI gathered and passive (ie grossly under reported) Yellow card 'system' in the UK. ** - see footnote. At the last search - link below - there were over 490 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome ie paraparesis/plegia or even tetraplegia. 5 deaths and there would certainly have been more. People ventilated with existing lung disease do not always survive mechanical ventilation.
Then having clicked ' search database' I put in 'astrazeneca/oxford' AFTER clicking the box - 'I confirm ......
Result - 'no result'. So 'astra zeneca' alone - nil re 'vaccine' > so 'astrazeneca' 20 products. The last being the vaccine. So clicked on that. 2 screenshots - in case this 'facility' is taken down.
First - shows that this toxic junk, before it was withdrawn first by several European countries for its morbid thrombotic effects, was most often inoculated into the supine in Europe. Note the dominance of the female gender. Thrombotic effect due I believe to the induced 'spike protein' which inflames the vascular intima - the normally wonderful, slippery lining which ensures smooth blood flow. Platelets gather > clot generated. This good friend is a case in point - he survived only because he was on Warfarin long term. Body wide arteriolar thromboses
Second screen shot - note the dominance of the 18-44 yr population. We do not know what percentage submitted, nor how many inoculations were received. It would have been one or two. Then of course there were the boosters - using RNA 'vaccines' - mostly Pfizer in the UK and probably in Europe, and dominantly in the US (and recall that Johnson et al were paying £20 per 'shot' with our taxes for this toxic junk.)
Read more: Proof of C19 'Vaccine' Damage - to Life and Health
Dear Ms Garde, 5-03-2023
It is now over four months since you acknowledged receipt of an e-mail from me raising concerns re Professor Anthony Pollard's fitness to practice medicine in the UK. I quote you:
On 24/10/2022 11:46 am, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:Your GMC reference number: 0324409
Dear Dr Halpin
Thank you for contacting us about Sir Anthony John Pollard
I have forwarded your letter to the fitness to practise department for the attention of Anthony Omo.
If you would like to discuss this further, please call us using the number below or reply to this email.
Yours sincerely
Mandy Garde
Contact Centre Adviser,
Registration and Revalidation Directorate
Telephone: 0161 923 6602 (+44 161 923 6602 from outside the UK)
Website: www.gmc-uk.org
Read more: Open letter re Professor Sir Anthony Pollard – a doctor, to the General Medical Council
12th August 2022
Further e-mail to Professor Pollard BSc MBBS PhD (Lond), DIC, MRCP (UK), FHEA, FIDSA, FRCPCH, MA, FMedSci Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunity, Oxford University ( https://www.ovg.ox.ac.uk/about https://www.ovg.ox.ac.uk/team https://www.paediatrics.ox.ac.uk/team/sir-andrew-pollard) and to Dame Sarah (Gilbert)
I have had no responses to my two previous e-mails, the first being sent 25th July, and the second the 3rd of August.
Update on our daughter Fiona - saw the oncologist last Tuesday with her partner, and we parents. Fiona has agreed to undergo chemotherapy. She is having preparatory blood tests etc, the insertion of a permanent IV line, and the start of chemotherapy in two weeks +. The kindly doctor and senior nurse were explicit - cure was not being presented, but hope encouraged, which our dear Fiona has, along with great courage.
I saw my tyre fitter friend yesterday, Derek Hopkins. He helped save me from a potentially serious road accident. I had had a rare puncture in my pick-up. The spare wheel was rusty from long disuse. In the few miles to his workshop, the wheel nuts had worked loose!
He was saved from likely death due to systemic micro-thromboses from the toxic junk your team developed because he was already on Warfarin. He had first suffered DVTs and PEs from a crushing injury of his chest when a combined harvester collapsed on his trunk years ago. He has suffered DVTs and PEs since - hence the prophylactic warfarin.
Read these please, central is my friend Derek Hopkins, and my surgical colleague Mohammad Iqbal Adil FRCS Ed FRCSI who has been excluded from his expert practice for 2 years plus - (the posting will be copied to the acting chairman of the GMC - the General Medical Council)