There are several 'junk' words which are current as societal disintegration continues apace in 'Great Britain'. They are intended to give the illusion that we live in a democracy and that those in positions of leadership care properly for the people they 'govern' - currently rule.
In this case, to do with an assault on children when their parents have been brain washed viciously through fear of an unusual viral infection, the relevant word is 'safe guarding'. Again - with or without a hyphen.
There is no evidence that the TVP is concerned re 'safe-guarding' in this instance, when a well informed citizen, who cares deeply about the child, has written in obvious concern.
The office of the Thames Valley Police - website 5 'results' ?The most relevant one
I am writing this preface to the posting FIVE DAYS after sending this below to the Chief Constable. So far there has not even been a brief acknowledgement which the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary always send. I have recorded my appreciation of this directly - previously.
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: | Assault on children in a trial of a ‘vaccine’ by the Oxford Group and Astra Zeneca, for which there is no need. |
Date: | Fri, 5 Mar 2021 11:48:32 +0000 |
From: | David Halpin |
To: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
I sent this e-mail below to the above e-mail address yesterday - 4th March at 11.35 am. I should be grateful for an acknowledgement of receipt. We are dealing with matters concerning the lethal in humans. There is gathering anecdotal evidence in the UK of this re the Oxford/AstraZeneca 'vaccine'
and peer reviewed evidence in the medical literature that the PfizerBionTech vaccine is lethal in some -
This is currently the most compelling, and very disturbing evidence - a paper by Seligmann and Yatif, quoted on this site at present, the Childrens' Health Defense posting having been 'taken down' I see.
David Halpin FRCS
Apology e-mail address to Chief Constable corrected
Letter to the Chief Constable for the Thames Valley Constabulary - John Campbell QPM, LLB, MBA
Dear Chief Constable,
I bring my most grave concerns to you in your post in Oxfordshire, where the unnecessary 'research' on children is being done. ** I attach a 5 page document in analysis and conclusion. It can be no shorter. Plus 4 others
I was born a Briton in 1940. In that same year in September, there was the blitz of Southampton a key port and the centre of Spitfire manufacture. My father went in from our little cottage in Lyndhurst on one of those days - the 24th or 26th 1940, to find the family business was a crater. His precious Avometer was no longer. He was the lynch pin as a self taught electronic engineer of the family business, supporting 9 in all. His brother Bennett was serving in the RAF to do with radar. My father could not serve because of severe asthma and because he had suffered severe meningitis in 1939 after an ENT operation in the cottage hospital where I was born 14-04-1940.
I see my country of birth lowered beyond imagination. I say 'if the people of Britain in 1939 were as they are now in 2021, Hitler would have walked straight in'.
I know that as a policeman you always wish to know if there is 'previous'. There is in the case of Pfizer (and other pharmaceutical companies) eg
I cannot quote how much of this 'vaccine' was purchased on the order of HMG, but know that 300 million doses were purchased in all. The cost to the taxpayer has not been revealed as far as I know.
for truth and with best wishes to you and your force
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
** Second attachment - all correspondence with the Oxford Vaccine Group You will note that I asked Ms Heather House of the Oxford 'Vaccine' Group 20-02-2021 whether the trial is still extant. I have since found that it has started - see.
You will see that my correspondence with the Oxford Vaccine Group - Ms Heather House, and the leader - Professor Andrew Pollard, was sterile.
ps Note also my comment re. the ONS table of annual deaths in the UK over the last 30 years. That the total for 2020 has been adjusted upwards by 100,000 ! - so I am told.
Attachment 1. Letter to Ms Nicholls, Manager of the Appleby Lodge Care Home - Callington, Cornwall
Attachment 2. 12 Residents Die After First COVID Vaccine in Wales Nursing and Dementia Care Centre
Attachment 3. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency - "Customer Service Centre" !!
Attachment 4. Correspondence with Oxford Vaccine Group.
Attachment 5. Letter to Chief Constable Thames Valley Police 4-03-2021