Dr Derek Summerfield, with many doctors, has been attempting to limit or stop the torture of Palestinian adults and children by Israel since 2009. The campaign was re-ignited two years ago with the support of 67 doctors. The plea - 'for doctors in Israel to observe their ethical code and the Declaration of Tokyo by not taking ANY part in torture.' This time Sir Michael Marmot was approached as President of the World Medical Association. His response was not adequate. I do not believe he has communicated with Dr Summerfield at all. The correspondence can be made available.
There can be little that is more serious than this. Please read the letter to Baroness Lawrence at the foot. She was addressed having suffered the loss of her dear son and because she is a member of the Joint Human Rights Committee.
David Halpin FRCS
Dear Isabelle,
I have not heard from you or from Ladies Lawrence or Evans. I imagine you are limited. It is extraordinary. I have not had one word back after I have related a few of the terrible crimes being perpetrated by what is accurately called the Zionist entity. (De facto statehood). The entity prefers 'Jewish state' which puts the native people in limbo.
The silence speaks volumes and it means complicity with the multitude of crimes.
A fragment of the suffering came to me from a retired British teacher who has been in the ''West Bank'' several times to help resist the destruction of Palestinian homes - the 'temples of the family' as I have called them -
I spoke to my dear friend Ikhlas Eshtaya (known as Yasmeen) this afternoon 22-06-17. She told me the following.
The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) arrived at the Jebara household on Monday in the middle of the night between 2.30pm and 5.00pm.
They ransacked their home and separated the three sons from the three daughters and their mother. They then separated 24 year old Muhammad from his brothers. He is blind and also suffers seizures. They shouted at him and then he was arrested. He is now in jail. His family fears for his safety especially given his disability and also his medical condition.
The IDF have come back each year to terrorise the family since Saeel, Yasmeen's father was murdered by a 'settler' near the family home in 2004. This time was 'unique' she said because of their arrest of Muhammad.
My friend John and I were with Yasmeen and her friends and family to celebrate her birthday at the end of March this year.
I asked Yasmeen if it was OK to publicise what has happened. She said "Please do quote me; and also if any media outlets are interested in the plight of my family to let them have my contact details.
The crimes go back to the 1920's Isabelle, when Palestinian day labourers were banished from land newly acquired by Zionists. They ended in 'camps', as have millions since.
Find time to read this essay by Ralph Schoenman, of Jewish blood and author of 'The Hidden History of Zionism'. Succinct and on line.
http://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/6-articles/palestineisrael/130-the-massacres-in-sabra-and-shatila-took-place-30-years-ago Crime after crime, and cries of terror after cries.
>>> to my web site http://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/
for truth
David Halpin FRCS
Dear Isabelle,
Do please tell me when Lady Evans is going to write to me. I write to you from the edge of Dartmoor. There is a clear blue sky today. Our large garden is beyond beautiful.
From the east, these reports come daily.
For 10th June - a few extracts of unimaginable evil -
Home invasion– abduction:Hebron – Israeli forces raided a home in the Old City and abducted a 14-year-old boy: Ahmad Hani Da'ana.
9 taken prisoner Home invasions:dawn, the al-Arub UN refugee camp - Hebron.
These in the middle of the night. As lead by Colonel Orde Wingate (of Burma fame) in the 30s - the Special Night Squads. Killing and torturing the native people.
Where does the House of Lords stand in this? So far, not one word.
yours sincerely
David Halpin
>> to my web site http://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/6-articles/palestineisrael
SENT 24-05
To the Leader of the Lords Mailbox FAO Isabelle Tombs
Dear Isabelle,
Thank you for taking trouble. I copy below the communications to Baroness Lawrence. The first was sent by Royal Mail, and the second and third by e-mail. The third is angry but given the subject, and the apparent silence, I should be forgiven. I have found things a little confusing.
I have found this acknowledgement for the second
Thank you for your email which has been received by the House of Lords Attendants Office.
This email address is strictly for contacting individual Members of the House of Lords and emails for individual Members will be forwarded. However, the address cannot be used for bulk mail shots or to forward one message to multiple Members. Any identical messages sent to more than six Members of the House of Lords will be deleted.
For Information about Lords membership, work, role and function please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 0207 219 3107.
And the address for the 2 and 3 e-ms This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
for truth
Good morning Mr. Halpin,
Thank you for your email sent this morning to the Leader of the Lords, Baroness Evans of Bowes Park.
Unfortunately, I cannot see any records of the previous correspondence to the office that you are referring too, and I apologise that we have not received that.
I will ensure to bring your email to the attention of the Leader, for her information.
Kind regards,
Isabelle Tombs
A letter to Baroness Lawrence, dated April 12th 2017
Dear Baroness Lawrence,
When people suffer from the cruelty and injustice of others, everyone of us should speak up, especially a human in your position as a member of the Joint Committee on Human Rights. You have not answered my first letter on behalf of children imprisoned and tortured in Israeli jails, and neither the e-mail below.
I will put the whole together and post that on my web sites http://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/
sample http://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/6-articles/palestineisrael/214-the-bulldozer-threatens
as well as on the Dove and Dolphin web site http://www.doveanddolphin.com/
sample http://www.doveanddolphin.com/news_detail.asp?ID=166
Perhaps you might break your silence and tell us what purpose you serve in the 'other place' - at our expense.
David Halpin FRCS
The Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon OBE
Parliament Square,
London SW1A 0PW
Dear Lady Lawrence,
I have been waiting for a response to my letter of the 28th of February. With my 77th birthday on the 14th of this month, I feel ever more strongly the need to shine a light on the terrible suffering of our Palestinian sisters and brothers. This will persist with your silence and with that of almost all political leaders. Shame on them.
These two splinters of evidence must be seen by you. They have come in a newsletter from Military Court Watch
http://www.militarycourtwatch.org/page.php?id=S2Cw0x2UKga919617A4MbfXgJA6s a boy of 12 years - tortured
http://www.militarycourtwatch.org/video.php?file=eFjGlk6JgFa74178ArFvMn9uKmg an Israeli lady soldier giving evidence to the Israeli organization - Breaking the Silence
for truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
28th of February 2017
The Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon OBE 28th of February 2017
Parliament Square,
London SW1A 0PW
Dear Lady Lawrence,
I write on behalf of many doctors who campaign against the involvement of doctors in torture within Israel as forbidden by their ethical code and the Tokyo Declaration. I believe that you are the best person to address in this. Your dear son Stephen was killed by racists, the responsible authority conspired to conceal the killers but the persistence of you and your family brought the murderers to the bar. In the same way, Palestinian prisoners, both adults and children, are suffering as a result of racism and because the political, legal and medical authorities in Israel, and more widely, turn blind eyes, the terrible suffering continues unabated.
It is particularly apposite that I write to you, given your membership of the Joint Select Human Rights Committee.
Dr Derek Summerfield, who has bravely and vigorously lead the campaign, was at one time permanent principal psychiatrist at Medical Foundations for Victims of Torture for 9 years. His long held post is at the Maudsley where he helps victims of HIV. He drew together the support of over 700 doctors in 2009 with a plea to the World Medical Association. The President of the WMA was Dr Yoram Blachar from Israel. The WMA was deaf. There has been a more recent plea with 77 signatures but that is grinding along.
Children as young as 12 are incarcerated in grim cells. Some are kept in solitary confinement which you know is torture, and there is worse. There are over 400 children (ie up to the aet of 18) in prison as I write. They are arrested in the early hours – jeeps, guns and sound grenades, and on ridiculous charges such as throwing stones at the 'Separation Wall'. Blindfolded, tight plastic handcuffs, thrown into the back of an army vehicle > interrogation centre. A “hearing” after a confession is signed in unknown Hebrew.
We have not been silent Lady Lawrence but the governments of the world are silent, just as the Metropolitan Police were in Stephen's case.
Dr Derek Summerfield, Dr Chris Burns Cox and myself ask with all respect if we could meet with you. All this must stop. The tears of the victims and of their dear parents do not.
for truth and with sincerity
David Halpin FRCS