I joined PSC in Nov 2002, having decided to ACT against the crucifixion of the Palestinian people. (My quote - Dr Abulafi - whilst I was closing up an operation - some years before in Torbay Hospital. 'You know what they are doing to us in Palestine Mr Halpin?' 'I have a fair idea 'Issa' { = Jesus} ' YOU HAVE NO IDEA, NO IDEA'' I had more time and the energy in spite of a drug I had been prescribed 1992 >)
My cheque, for the meeting + a generous donation to funds, and letter sent to the PSC in October 2002 - chairman Betty Hunter and secretary Hilary Wise. I turned up at the Institute of Education, Malet St on the date in November 2002 for a big and good meeting. Heard that UK doctors with antibiotics for children in Gaza had been turned back by the Gestapo. I was incensed. Me - I will take a ship so large that these most evil, life denying people will not be able to stop me reaching the people of Gaza. Voyage of the Dove and the Dolphin 1-02-2003 . from Haldon Quay, Torquay. See Eyes Open Gaza 20 minutes
At the door, both had not heard of me. Not on the list of 300 + delegates Friendly but 'puzzled' - 'but do go in'. The letter + cheque were received here, about 10 days later, at Haytor in an opened envelope - blue crayon -Incorrect Address or similar. I investigated. The Box Number company - very helpful. The address they said was more than perfect - post code with correct Box Number. GPO - board member - no interest. My envelope had been intercepted. (My post has been since and e-mail traffic watched, and sometimes stopped for 36 hours post visits to Gaza (x10 until ramming of the Dignity 30-12-03. Barred since by the Zionist entity. My work for the Dove and Dolphin 'Charity' greatly hindered - visits essential for many reasons. D&D wound up in 2011 - barring + too much work for Sue).
I observed Zionist interference at rallies and directly towards me. I brought this to Betty's attention. NO response. (My arranged visit to War on Want, Southwark ?2007 re Palestine - trailed back to Paddington Station and my homeward journey by Israeli 'intelligence'. I think I told the PSC office.)
Timid responses then and to mounting (monumental) evil suffered by our sister and brother humans. That is why I do not want to receive any more e-mails. Magazine previously and donations occasionally