I was to be one of eleven speakers at the Conference, 3 doctors and one dental surgeon among them. Freedom of speech in the land of Magna Carta (but hear lawyer Anna De Buisseret with Prof Dolores Cahill in Part 2 on this) is only happening in groups and via these new platforms like Brand New Tube.
Dr Stephen Hopwood, the engine for this meeting, booked it for Totnes Town Hall. Stopped by Totnes Town Council after a petition - c.130. One vote for the meeting - Councillor George Mitchell. Then tried Dartington - no go. Then the Toorak Hotel Torquay - an ideal venue. The manager - a good man, had calls from Public 'Health' England and Torbay Council demanding that he refuse to host the conference. Dependent re licence etc he had to kow-tow.
This chill some. but for most it is 'water off a duck's back'. 'Dear, I am on the 'pooter'. What would you like from Morrison's home delivery tomorrow? The smoked duck breast sounds tasty'.
Find time to dip into the talks, especially the interview - off camera, of my new young doctor friend. This comes after my 29 minutes - 1.03 hrs to 1.32
For truth, and for the revolution of the mind and a turning away from global serfdom
Part 1 My 31 minute contribution is from 1.03 hours to 1.32 hrs.
Part 2
(Meeting at the Toorak hotel in Torquay cancelled by Public ‘Health’ England and Torbay Council so planned march in Totnes +www will suffice)
I am pleased to speak of OUR NHS. With the poverty between WW1 and 2, and the hardest slog for freedom from Nazi domination, a bankrupt Britain decided that ‘loving thy neighbour’ was the essence of our humanity. And it happened in 1948 in spite of strong opposition from the British Medical Association and many doctors.
I will give you a very personal account of the NHS because I have seen it and felt it all, ever since I became a medical student aged 18 in 1958 at St Mary’s Paddington, the home of penicillin. I will speak of its lowering under a deeply fascist regime, and speak at the end of my certainty that there will be a renaissance in my calling, in parallel with the rebuilding of OUR NHS.
Read more: Awakening Conference: On the Path to a Revolution of the Mind
This letter was kindly published in the above local paper 21-10-2021. I omitted, for space, this - When a doctor hears a patient with full attention and obvious empathy, the patient is lifted up. The hands of the doctor have taken those cares into himself, and shown that help is at hand, with relief from pain or distress. If those hands are then used in the examination that lightening, that transference, is further enhanced.
The reader will note the final paragraph. Today HMG announces, via the ex-banker Sunak - 'The UK economy is 'back on track'. In our family, as in many, to lie was a cardinal sin.
Letter to MDA 18th October 2021
Dear Editor,
As a doctor first, and surgeon second, who was educated at St Mary’s W2 and qualifying in 1964, I need to respond to the article in last week’s MDA entitled ‘Trialling blood tests which could detect cancer earlier’. There is obvious irony.
Months ago it was noted that as a result mostly of HMG’s policy in reaction to Covid_19 there were at least 300,000 humans in the UK waiting to be seen with symptoms of potential cancer. A good many would have had cancer within them. For most cancers, time is of the essence. Delay in diagnosis means advance of those cancers in a majority, and when and if they came to the specialists, treatment would need to be more complex, suffering greater and eventual death more likely.
Read more: British medicine greatly lowered. Renaissance coming. Letter to Mid Devon Advertiser
Negligence vis a vis 'Covid_19'. E-mail to BMA – last 9.48 hrs 22-10-2021
I question whether RT has noted my letter to the BMA. Same day - me 2.13 pm RT 17.48
Quote - Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) itself is a rare nerve disorder that can cause paralysis, but recent data has shown the likelihood “of a possible association” to the vaccine “has strengthened,” according to the regulatory agency.
Of the millions who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine, there were 432 reports of GBS possibly stemming from the vaccine. There were 50 similar cases reported for the Pfizer vaccine.
My attempts at analysis. And note also that the 4 recorded deaths (?all reported and ?? autopsies performed) will be greater, because some of these will be on ventilators, and will die off or on them. That is - lesions at T3 spinal segment level or above. GBS - does follow certain infections, vaccinations or without a diagnosed trigger.
The total number of NHS hospital beds in England, including general and acute, mental illness, learning disability, maternity and day-only beds, has more than halved over the past 30 years, from around 299,000 in 1987/88 to 141,000 in 2018/9, while the number of patients treated has increased significantly.
Say 130,000 beds now.
To Mel Stride MP for Central Devon and Chairman HoC Treasury Select Committee
Dear Mr Stride,
1. I hope I thanked you for prising the answer re the above cost from Ms Churchill. The answer in short was £260 million in the months of April and June 2020. That answer came 15 months after I asked for it via your good self. I should be grateful for an update ie the total cost to date of all media output re Covid_19/coronavirus. You know that I am fully aware that HMG was preparing for this epidemic prior to Wuhan 12-12-2019. I inferred this from the original title of the bill 'The 2019/2020 Corona Virus Bill'. A most complex and indeed draconian bill which went though on the nod in just over 48 hours.
2. I heard via Classic FM this am that Messrs Patel and Raab are emphasising their policies to ensure 'law and order' in the UK. I am all for law as you will know. Order is less easy to define and there is great irony. Please read this and forward it with this e-mail to the FCO
HMG, now and of all previous colours, have chosen to ignore the multitude of crimes committed against the native people of Palestine, as well as forgetting in the main, the 700 + servicemen, some of whom fought for freedom in Europe, who were killed by Zionist gangs after WW2.
Read more: Cost of propaganda re C19. LAW AND ORDER - Raab and Patel
As usual - auto message only.
Spotlight BBC SW, 3-10-2021 1.53 pm
Before you pump out more stuff re 'boosters' which will certainly harm more proportionally - or lead to death, I ask you to view this from the US Senate 'Health' Committee. This sent from Dr Roger Hodkinson in Canada, a British qualified doctor, a GP previously and a pathologist more recently. Hounded by the medical authorities there for dissenting, along with doctors Stephen Malthouse and Charles Hoffe. Senator Rand Paul, a qualified doctor and opthalmologist >
He infers some general benefit from the 'vaccination' which I do not share, but he deals properly with acquired natural immunity. (See point 3 below) He refers to over 100 million US C19 infections. This is likely but some 'statistics' skewed by bounties given for a. diagnosis ? most based on the RT-PCR test b. on death certificates (as common in the UK) c. a large bounty if C19 diagnosed and on deleterious mechanical ventilation - in general.
Senator Rand's highlighting of the absence of scientific and medical qualifications in the chairman - a lawyer, of this Senate Health Committee, apply to you Mr Woolvin. But the SW region's BBC choose you to parrot that which P'H'E, the 'NHS', BBC at its centre and No 10 spew forth.