Part One. The case of the GMC versus Mohammed Adil FRCS Ed FRSCI
I became sharply aware of biased judgement and response by the GMC when I brought evidence in 2011 of serious professional misconduct against two key witnesses in the case of the unnatural death of David Kelly CMG Dsc, the pre-eminent UK germ and chemical expert. His death has never been subject to a formal inquest. I will deal with this in Part 3.
Part 2 will encompass GMC failings in its duty towards standards of care provided by medically qualified persons, especially since the emergence of Covid_19 in the autumn of 2019. The campaigns by the UK government which followed, the propaganda paid for from our taxes, and especially the inoculation of experimental RNA contained material, have no basis in the sciences within medicine. This current paper by David Hughes MA is a very punctilious analysis and record confirming the latter phrase ‘ no basis in the sciences within medicine’-
The evils are the more stark given the ‘roll out’ of the experimental inoculations to children over 5 years of age starting this week in the UK.
Born 08/12/1958 GMC Number 5183820 Nationality British.Mohammad qualified MB BS 1986 in the Nishtar Medical University, Multan Pakistan. He served as house officer and SHO for five years there before coming first to Eire in 1991. His fellowships were gained in 1996. In his training in these isles he has served in leading surgical units. Altogether he has served for 30 years in the NHS, and for many years as a consultant general surgeon in mostly long locum tenems posts.
His central specialism is colo-rectal surgery; he is very adept in laparoscopic techniques. The many testimonials and references speak of his empathy with patients and of his surgical skills. All was well for him and his patients until 30/06/2020whilst working as a consultant general & colorectal surgeon from 1/03/2020 at North Manchester General Hospital NHS. He was dismissedand removed from the Medical Register. In April he had exercised his right of freedom to speak out of his concern for fellow man. In interviews on ‘social’ media he opposed the mixtures of advice, rules and statutes arising out of the bill, first titled ‘The 2019/2020 Corona Virus Bill’ and passed after 48 hours of minimal scrutiny on March 23rd.He saw great harm coming to poorer folk especially and to the medical services in the UK. He noted a global dimension and a well predicted plan of subjugation of the mass of humanity. His predictions have all come to pass.
Read more: The General Medical Council: Its Statutory Duties towards Standards in Medical Care
Mohammed Adil FRCS Ed has been re-instated on the medical register. He was removed from it 20 months ago for speaking the truth about the C19 lie in March 2020. His greatest concerns were the loss of livelihoods, especially of poorer people, and the damage being done to OUR NHS and its vital services. He has served in OUR NHS without blemish for 30 years.
Mohammed senses that the global war for truth and then justice, and then the victory of innate human goodness, is being won. And these will finally be restored in this 'still beautiful world.'
Had this overnight from Robin Upton in Bangladesh. Thank you Robin. We met over the www because of my involvement in campaigning for an inquest into the death of David Kelly CMG DSc 17/18-07-2003, with Stephen Frost and Miles Goslett ** . Robin has since stayed here. A mathematician by graduation but an analyst of our world - in seeming chaos.
Read more: Truth Prevailed. PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING and ‘Satanism’. 'Elemental Evil' v Good
Dear Richard,
My good help on Mondays - in the woods mostly. I am copying this to everyone on my main list + a few others. There is no question that homo non-sapiens is at a cross road, and Frost's poem is apt here
Induced insanity is all about - yesterday I was almost assaulted, certainly verbally, by the proprietor of the good fruit and veg shop in Bovey for not wearing the 'mandated' and usually grossly contaminated mask. This designed to speed viral transmission, and bacterial infection of skin and possible lung. There were women driving about with their decorative masks on; I hoped the mild hypercapnia and hypoxia would not affect the safety of the vehicles.
So to rekindle our humanity, our love for our neighbour, inspiration is at the centre. So when, by the 2 cider barrels you had filled with juice from the orchard Sue and I planted within the wood pasture in 1988, I was very pleased to meet your friend from school days - Spike. This man of muscle and brain, who works for Stihl, is my man too. I share his love for trees and timber, and look forward to working with him.
But this is the key, and why I am writing pre-porridge. And there is again the mystical synchronicity. Spike's partner has been a nurse in palliative care for 18 years. I told Spike how, as a student at St Mary's in about 1963, I walked with a few fellow students down to Bayswater by Hyde Park to meet Cecily Saunders. I imagine she took us to a bedside. She reminded me in her stature and gentleness of my mother - a Cecelia. And I managed later to retrieve her name.
You too will be inspired by the story of her life, growing on from a most unhappy family. And it was interwoven with 3 Polish men, the first 'Jewish' with whom she shared a spiritual love. All this emphasises the universality of our humanity, the shedding of genetic and 'belief' connections.
Read more: 'Stay safe'? No, 'love thy neighbour' this Christmas: Dr Cecily Saunders
"Thank you for contacting Devon and Cornwall Police. Please accept this email as acknowledgement of your correspondence......"
I thank the Chief Constable's Staff Office for this acknowledgement 6/12/2021 12.21 pm.
I add this briefly. As a result of the maelstrom created deliberately by HMG in this country, force officers, their families, and many relatives will have been subject to the worst of the medical services currently available, and the best here and there. Perhaps like my wife who was asked to phone the GP surgery and was number 11. She waited later all day until 7 pm, and now waits again for a call promised at 10.30. Now 12.30 pm As I say,'the vortex sucks for ever louder.'
I spoke publicly by the Dart to about 300 20-11-21 re the plandemic and my hopes for a renaissance of medicine in the UK and the re-building of OUR NHS. This is relevant to everyone, including our dear children and those yet to be born. And later on line -
Part 1 My 31 minute contribution is from 1.03 hours to 1.32 hrs.
This should be read Chief Constable by every member of your force, including the civilian employees. Written in the Guardian which I do not read. By a fellow doctor, Professor of Public Health Allyson Pollock with whom I correspond, and a barrister Peter Roderick. Together they put forward a very well reasoned 'NHS Re-instatement Bill'. Has the 'bobby on the beat' got £4000 for his and his family's medical insurance? Does he know that in an emergency, perhaps injured in a road crashe is attending, due usually to excess speed, that it will not be the Nuffield or Spre or -, dealing with him, but the skeleton of a demoralised NHS shell.
Read more: Detective Sergeant Northern Territories speaking the truth
I was to be one of eleven speakers at the Conference, 3 doctors and one dental surgeon among them. Freedom of speech in the land of Magna Carta (but hear lawyer Anna De Buisseret with Prof Dolores Cahill in Part 2 on this) is only happening in groups and via these new platforms like Brand New Tube.
Dr Stephen Hopwood, the engine for this meeting, booked it for Totnes Town Hall. Stopped by Totnes Town Council after a petition - c.130. One vote for the meeting - Councillor George Mitchell. Then tried Dartington - no go. Then the Toorak Hotel Torquay - an ideal venue. The manager - a good man, had calls from Public 'Health' England and Torbay Council demanding that he refuse to host the conference. Dependent re licence etc he had to kow-tow.
This chill some. but for most it is 'water off a duck's back'. 'Dear, I am on the 'pooter'. What would you like from Morrison's home delivery tomorrow? The smoked duck breast sounds tasty'.
Find time to dip into the talks, especially the interview - off camera, of my new young doctor friend. This comes after my 29 minutes - 1.03 hrs to 1.32
For truth, and for the revolution of the mind and a turning away from global serfdom
Part 1 My 31 minute contribution is from 1.03 hours to 1.32 hrs.
Part 2
(Meeting at the Toorak hotel in Torquay cancelled by Public ‘Health’ England and Torbay Council so planned march in Totnes +www will suffice)
I am pleased to speak of OUR NHS. With the poverty between WW1 and 2, and the hardest slog for freedom from Nazi domination, a bankrupt Britain decided that ‘loving thy neighbour’ was the essence of our humanity. And it happened in 1948 in spite of strong opposition from the British Medical Association and many doctors.
I will give you a very personal account of the NHS because I have seen it and felt it all, ever since I became a medical student aged 18 in 1958 at St Mary’s Paddington, the home of penicillin. I will speak of its lowering under a deeply fascist regime, and speak at the end of my certainty that there will be a renaissance in my calling, in parallel with the rebuilding of OUR NHS.
Read more: Awakening Conference: On the Path to a Revolution of the Mind