Read more: The Corbett Report - An Interview With Dr . David Halpin
Dear Citizen,
You will know something about this man, his death and the lack of an inquest into it. A few of us doctors first voiced our concerns in January 2004. We did not believe the first cause of death - haemorrhage from a transected ulnar artery was feasible, or that suicide had been proved beyond reasonable doubt, or the intent to commit it. We saw that due process of law had been subverted. Instead of an inquest first and an inquiry into the political and media storm surrounding the death second, my Lord Falconer appointed my Lord Hutton on the same day Dr Kelly was found. That is while his body was still cooling. You will not be able to recall such alacrity in setting up any inquiry in the UK. Chilcot - announced 6 years + after the onset of Shock and Awe.
The 'inquest' that was subsumed into the Hutton Inquiry consumed only one half of one day, whereas the whole took twenty days. I could spend another 100 pages relating the omissions, the lies, the gross insufficiency in inquiry and more.
To cut a long story short, we engaged Leigh Day solicitors three years ago, with Frances Swaine in the lead and all working pro bono. Our colleague, Dr Michael Powers, was our barrister and also served pro bono. He has served as an assistant coroner and coronial law is one of his specialisms.
Read more: An inquest for Dr David Kelly now or never? Our laws?
Read more: Over 8 Years Since Dr Kelly's Unnatural Death. Still No Inquest. Why?
Read more: Press Release - The Attorney General Refuses to Facilitate a New Inquest
Read more: Dr David Kelly - Evidence Submitted by David Halpin FRCS