Dear Lord Mann, House of Lords: HMG appointed 'Anti-Semitism Czar' There is no international law.
I think I heard you quoted on Classic FM news; I avoid all 'news' bulletins bar these which are restricted to a few minutes only. However, its anti-Palestinian bias is still evident in spite of the brevity.
I could not find a direct quote of your statement but I think you spoke of 'anti-semitic' utterances in UK schools of having increased in schools by a factor of six in one year.
I am fairly expert in linguistics and attempt in my many writings to be utterly clear as to the meaning of any word I use. For instance, I reject the word 'islamophobia'. It is immediately pejorative - coupling 'fear' with Islam. And I reject 'anti-semitic'. Not so much because the genetic basis of Arab peoples is 'semitic' in origin, but because it is oblique in meaning. Thus I prefer 'anti-"Jewish", realising immediately that we are all mongrels. A good example would be the oft quoted genetic origins of about 80% of Israeli citizens who are said to have Khazarian genetic origins and are frankly labeled Ashkenazim in 'Israel'.
But all this racial labeling I reject being a universalist. So my question is this Lord Mann. Are you conflating 'anti-semitic' expression with anti-Israeli sentiment, and 'anti-semitic' with anti-Zionist expression? I suspect you are, and that in doing so you are doing your best to cloak the most terrible crimes of the Israeli/'Jewish' State? The latter legitimised by statute in the Knesset.
Read more: Lord Man of Holbeck Moor: HMG 'anti-semitism czar
Has there been a big protest meeting by the clock tower in response to this reckless cruelty? No.
When serving as an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon at Torbay up to 1992, I had to care for a few patients who came in with a fractured hip and hypothermia. They had fallen in their cold homes and could not call for help. They lay in pain, often in night clothes as their bodies cooled. Gradually they became unconscious as their core temperature fell. An essential low reading thermometer would record that.
The victim would be rewarmed gradually after the limb was put on traction. Examination and blood tests might have revealed low thyroid function thus making our elderly human more susceptible to unsteadiness and hypothermia. I recall an old lady whom I diagnosed with this who was on Ainslie ward for weeks, ‘geriatric’ beds being many but full. Some would die of bronchopneumona.
And what of our neighbour Agnes and her little Yorkie Tia? I presume that EDF was able to cut off her electricity remotely – twice, because she had been inveigled into having a ‘smart’ meter. Our ‘government’ has spent £12 billion propagandising this nonsense. Older readers will remember we had a Central Electricity Generating Board, and regional boards supplying this most wonderful invention of mankind – SWEB here in the SW. Then we had privatisation - ‘Don’t Tell Sid’ about the North Sea Gas sell off, and all the rest. That wonderful bounty found right by our sceptred isle, when fossil fuel, used wisely, was producing CO2 - the stuff of all vegetation, and which gives us back the oxygen.I recall a Brixham lady whose son was a senior in the CEGB. He was over in the US learning how, in madness, a market was made every 30 minutes for purchasing electricity. The engineers there said that the UK had the best system and why were we ditching it. The answers of course were several but private profit was at the top. As with OUR NHS – public is bad, private is good. And so we have this disgusting story of dear Agnes who has one seeing eye, but with only 20% of normal.
Dear Ms Garde, 5-03-2023
It is now over four months since you acknowledged receipt of an e-mail from me raising concerns re Professor Anthony Pollard's fitness to practice medicine in the UK. I quote you:
On 24/10/2022 11:46 am, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:Your GMC reference number: 0324409
Dear Dr Halpin
Thank you for contacting us about Sir Anthony John Pollard
I have forwarded your letter to the fitness to practise department for the attention of Anthony Omo.
If you would like to discuss this further, please call us using the number below or reply to this email.
Yours sincerely
Mandy Garde
Contact Centre Adviser,
Registration and Revalidation Directorate
Telephone: 0161 923 6602 (+44 161 923 6602 from outside the UK)
Read more: Open letter re Professor Sir Anthony Pollard – a doctor, to the General Medical Council
12th August 2022
Further e-mail to Professor Pollard BSc MBBS PhD (Lond), DIC, MRCP (UK), FHEA, FIDSA, FRCPCH, MA, FMedSci Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunity, Oxford University ( and to Dame Sarah (Gilbert)
I have had no responses to my two previous e-mails, the first being sent 25th July, and the second the 3rd of August.
Update on our daughter Fiona - saw the oncologist last Tuesday with her partner, and we parents. Fiona has agreed to undergo chemotherapy. She is having preparatory blood tests etc, the insertion of a permanent IV line, and the start of chemotherapy in two weeks +. The kindly doctor and senior nurse were explicit - cure was not being presented, but hope encouraged, which our dear Fiona has, along with great courage.
I saw my tyre fitter friend yesterday, Derek Hopkins. He helped save me from a potentially serious road accident. I had had a rare puncture in my pick-up. The spare wheel was rusty from long disuse. In the few miles to his workshop, the wheel nuts had worked loose!
He was saved from likely death due to systemic micro-thromboses from the toxic junk your team developed because he was already on Warfarin. He had first suffered DVTs and PEs from a crushing injury of his chest when a combined harvester collapsed on his trunk years ago. He has suffered DVTs and PEs since - hence the prophylactic warfarin.
Read these please, central is my friend Derek Hopkins, and my surgical colleague Mohammad Iqbal Adil FRCS Ed FRCSI who has been excluded from his expert practice for 2 years plus - (the posting will be copied to the acting chairman of the GMC - the General Medical Council)
NHS Failing in Planned Chaos – 20-06-2022:Erasure of Teignmouth Hospital emblematic
Devon CC – Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 21-06-2022
Set up to fail – when and who by? Rescue?
Post WW2 perception and will in an exhausted and bankrupt Britain. The ‘war spirit’ lasting. The healthy look after the ill. ‘Love thy neighbour’ - Mosaic law
Beveridge and Bevan. NHS opposed by the BMA and a majority of doctors. ‘Cap in hand’ to last.
Bevan saw it through. Its work massive and its triumphs certain. Fear of illness and death, and bankruptcy, through medical bills absent. Compare with the US - two thirds of those going bankrupt are through medical bills.
Key stages in the gradual and now precipitous fall into chaos, injury and possible death.
Read more: NHS and 'Scrutiny'. Plea for re-opening of both wards at Teignmouth Community Hospital