E-mail 2 March 2010
Dear Ms Mayhew,
And the details. I have scoured the www for records of alleged or witnessed organ theft by the IOF in Haiti and could find none. However, given the record of the Zionist entity which I gave you a fraction of, I support Jenny Tonge's request that the entity should investigate the rumours. Why should that be deeply offensive to Jewish people when the reality speaks of barbarism oft repeated? Do you know what the IOF did to the people of Gaza 14 months ago? The lawlessness and the pitiless cruelty are beyond description. Are these same Jewish people sensitive to the 'greater shoah' - holocaust, that fell upon Gaza 27 December 2008. This holocaust was promised by deputy defence minister Vilnai in February 2008. Or are Jewish people not sensitive when gentiles suffer terribly?
Please read the annual newsletter of the Dove and Dolphin Charity I founded which sets out true facts.
Your reply, and it is not unique, speaks blandly and without much truth. I do not blame you for that. The 'news' as retailed by the BBC (which is influenced greatly by the Zionist agenda) and by all the rest, does not deal much in truth. Everything is framed to portray the Palestinian, Iraqi, Afghan etc etc as lesser beings in lands which are benighted - but not as a result of any Judaeo-Christian coalition and its massive array of weapons. There is plenty of noise, acres of newsprint and videotape reaching to the moon. But it is all directed by 'pond skaters' - no one looks into the depths. The fact is Ms Mayhew that Palestine is the greatest tragedy and the greatest western evil. By the same token I say 'Palestine is at the hinge of our humanity'.
I will give but two examples of the bankruptcy of principle, competence and knowledge - among many.
1. You might know that the brave Israeli gunboats fire at the fishermen of Gaza as they search for precious protein for protein starved children. Although it was agreed they could go out to 20 miles (graciously), the Israeli state (Jewish State as it prefers to be called) confine them to about 2 miles from the shore. Lives and limbs are sometimes destroyed, and the boats and the gear frequently. One of many requests to my MP, Mr Richard Younger-Ross, was to have this brought to the House of Commons. As always, this Israeli action is outside international law and all morality. R Y-R - 'I have written to Ed about the fisherman as requested.' April 2009. I have not heard a word. Does 'Ed' care about these fisherman? Does the party care? Or would the 'sensitivity of Jewish people' be abraded by the truth in OUR Commons.
2. About a month ago there was a discussion on C4 ''News'' between your foreign policy supremo, Ming Campbell and an odious ex-Mossad employee speaking from the land that was stolen in 1948. The subject was the homicide by suffocation after paralysis by use of a muscle relaxant of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. (Imagine being conscious whilst vile 'humans' bring you to your death) The discussion centred on utility. Not once did the senior Scots lawyer say that 'extra judicial' killing was unlawful. Not once. That is what I mean by bankruptcy.
I have voted Lib Dem for most elections. I will not be voting the same way again. The same probably goes for many to whom you replied re Jenny Tonge. Sadly, there are not too many Tonges in the Lib Dems.
For truth, reason and justice
David Halpin FRCS
Libdemleader wrote 17 February 2010: (The same letter was received by others)
Dear Mr Halpin,
Many thanks for your email to Nick Clegg MP regarding Baroness Tonge. Nick has asked me to contact you on his behalf.
I’m sorry you were disappointed by Nick’s decision that Baroness Tonge should stand down as a frontbench spokesperson in the House of Lords. I should make it clear that this decision does not indicate that the Liberal Democrats will in any way underplay or ignore legitimate concerns about Israeli foreign policy. However, we don’t give the allegations made about the IDF in any credence whatsoever – no credible evidence has been offered for them and we do not believe there is a need for an investigation. Furthermore, the allegations raise deep sensitivities for Jewish people everywhere and we entirely understand why calls for an investigation are deeply offensive to the Jewish community. Baroness Tonge’s comments were not anti-Semitic, but we do believe that they were insensitive and wrong.
Liberal Democrats remain committed to a fair, two-state solution – with security for and a viable state for Palestinians. We have raised our deep concerns over Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip over the last year, while also unequivocally condemning Hamas’ actions – both for humanitarian reasons and because we believe that ’s current approach is not in its own long-term interests, any more than those of the Palestinian people. Where appropriate, we will continue to raise our concerns about disproportionate action and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. It’s worth pointing out that Nick’s clear line on this issue sets him apart from both Labour and the Conservatives.
Thank you once again for emailing.
Best wishes,
Bess Mayhew
Office of Nick Clegg MP
Dear Mr Clegg,
I was sorry to learn you had dismissed Baroness Tonge from her position as health spokesman for the party. I understand she had simply called for investigation into the allegations of organ theft. These were given weight by the alleged find of a box of corneas by a CNN person after the Israeli team had departed from Haiti.
I have studied previous allegations of organ theft from young Palestinians who were killed by the Israeli Occupation Force in 1990/91. Articles by Bostrom and by Alison Weir in the US define some of the details. There is strong circumstantial evidence of wrongdoing and it is plain to me that an international investigation with exhumation and discovery of all IOF records should be conducted.
I have been attempting to investigate the unnatural death of Alistair Sinclair in 2002 in Israel and the reason why his corpse was returned to his loved ones in Glasgow minus his heart. He was said to have hung himself in a Tel Aviv gaol from a towel rail that was 3ft from the floor.
You will see that your knee jerk response - I assume caused by howls from the pro-Zionist lobby, is entirely inappropriate. The electorate is getting to know there is one law for Zionists and one for the rest of us. And of course, Palestinians are to be treated outside all law.
I ask that you reinstate Jenny Tonge statim.
For truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS