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Dear Mr Stride,

I have had no responses from Mr Hague or Mr Burt.

I should be grateful to know

a. whether you conveyed my concerns urgently to HMG having first received them on 24 May? In that letter I said 'We demand that it resists the threatened and armed obstruction of that flotilla in all lawful ways, including the provision of a UK naval escort, as it passes from international waters into those off the 25 mile long Gaza strip.' If HMG had taken a robust line there would not be 19 corpses in morgues and dozens of injured in hospital. As a surgeon and healer I am outraged by the loss of life arising from the subservient silence of the government.

b. Whether any UK subject, or subject with dual UK/Israeli nationality, took part in the assault force?
c. I wish to know the names of all UK subjects who have been either killed, injured or taken into custody in plastic handcuffs for 'interrogation'. You will know that the latter has no lawful basis. The entity is unlawfully restricting release of names, thus adding to the great distress of relatives and friends.

I write about matters of great public concern and of international and human rights law. I therefore intend to publish this correspondence on my web site.

I say that the responses from the leadership of the ConLib 'coalition' are lame beyond words. It has not helped perhaps that PM Cameron declared himself a 'Zionist' a few years ago on a visit to the Zionist entity.

For truth, reason and justice

David Halpin FRCS

1 June 2010

Dear Mr Halpin

Thank you for your email. HMG is aware of the concerns you raise and the Prime Minister spoke last night to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The Prime Minister deplored the heavy loss of life off the coast of Gaza, reiterated the UK's strong commitment to Israel's security, but urged Israel to respond constructively to legitimate criticism of its actions, and to do everything possible to avoid a repeat of this unacceptable situation.

The Prime Minister also stressed the importance of urgently lifting the blockade of Gaza, and allowing full access for humanitarian aid.

I will maintain a close interest in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Mel Stride MP