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General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street,
M3 3AW  

12 May 2012

My ref:  Dr Richard Shepherd BSc MB BS FRCPath  FFFLM  Consultant forensic pathologist:  The unnatural death of Dr David Kelly 17/18 July 2003

Dear GMC,

Dr Richard Shepherd provided a report dated 16 March 2011 at the request of the Attorney General, (AG) Mr Dominic Grieve QC.

The purpose of this supposedly independent report was to examine the criticisms made by a group, of which I am but one member, to do with the performance of Dr Nicholas Hunt, forensic pathologist, in the examination of the unnatural death of Dr David Kelly MSc CMG.  The AG had received a Memorial in October 2010, and an Addendum in February 2011 from our solicitors, Leigh Day & Co.  We were pleading for the AG to facilitate an inquest, there having been no inquest, by approaching the High Court using S:13 of the 1988 Coroner's Act.   Dr Shepherd's report also dealt with other complaints from outside our group.

Office of the Attorney General28 November 2010
Mr Kevin McGinty
20, Victoria Street
SW1H 0NF                                  

The unnatural death of Dr David Kelly: For the attention of the Attorney General          

Dear Mr McGinty,

I am writing to the Attorney General as an individual whilst Ms Frances Swaine of Leigh Day & Co assembles the many omissions, contradictions, untruths etc that are of a general nature, rather than being specifically medical or forensic.  Those have been dealt with in large part by the memorial.

For submission to Attorney General (later submitted after approval by Leigh Day & Co)21 August 2011

I write these two pages in case my points might help towards a judicial review of Mr Grieve's negative response to our plea for an inquest.  These points do, I think, concern the process in his response rather than his rationale.

The death of Dr Kelly, either by his own hand or by another's, was all about the Iraq war.  That cannot be disputed.  I note:-

Fitness to Practise Panel
Session beginning 5 September 2005 to 9 September 2005
Reconvened on 18 November 2005, 27 March 2006, 15-16 and 18 – 19 January 2007, 19 February 2007
St James’s Building, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6FQ

Registration number: 2428013

This case has been considered by a Fitness to Practise Panel applying the General Medical Council’s Preliminary Proceedings Committee and Professional Conduct Committee (Procedure Rules) 1988.

Mr Taylor:

At all relevant times Dr Shorrock was a registered medical practitioner employed as a Consultant Pathologist at the Royal Halifax Hospital.

On 31 January 2000, on the instruction of Her Majesty’s Coroner, Dr Shorrock undertook a post-mortem examination of Gladys Allen at Dewsbury and District Hospital. Mrs Allen had died on 28 January 2000 shortly after undergoing the operation of left nephrectomy (removal of the left kidney), which had been performed by Mr Syed, locum consultant urologist. The indication for the operation was cancer of the kidney.

The forensic pathology: The subversion of due process continues.  Part three

Andrew Watt ended his article with the post-mortem examination being carried out by Dr Nicholas Hunt on the evening the body was found 18 July 2003.  It was the penetrating smell of Lysol, lights and stainless steel in the mortuary of the John Radcliffe Infirmary Oxford, as well as the remains of a fit husband and father.   Nine police officers were in attendance, the most senior being Detective Chief Inspector Alan Young who was in charge of the investigation.  He was at the scene on Harrowdown Hill where the unidentified body was found by Louise Holmes.  In spite of his lead position in the inquiry into a missing person, and then a suspicious death, he was neither called to the Hutton Inquiry which started sitting 13 days later, nor did he submit a statement to it (1).  There is no obvious explanation for the presence of nine police officers at this very morbid autopsy given that the police had sprayed the word 'suicide' about earlier that day.  The size of the squad would surely have fitted better if murder was foremost in the minds of the investigating authorities.  

Ms Ceri Fiona Floyd 17 July 2011

Ms Ceri Fiona Floyd
Investigation Officer
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street,
M3 3AW

Your ref: E1-6PFP1I
My ref: Dr Nicholas Charles Alexander Hunt GMC 4025151 : The unnatural death of Dr David Kelly 17/18 July 2003

Dear Ms Floyd,

Thank you for your letter of 8 July. This follows letters from myself to the GMC 16 May 2011, to Ms Patel of the GMC 14 June, Ms Durham of the GMC to myself 15 June and myself to Ms Durham 17 June.

I will deal with four of my main concerns in order, including the one I have raised already. I will append relevant references and documents separately.

Thank you for giving me the link to the 'fitness to practice' details. I see that a warning which was given to Dr Hunt five years ago expires today - 17 July 2011.

I have quoted by copying and pasting from the original documents.

Office of the Attorney General 16  February 2011

Mr Kevin McGinty
20, Victoria Street

From:-  David Halpin FRCS, Kiln Shotts, Haytor, Newton Abbot, TQ13 9XR

Insufficiency of inquiry

Dear Kevin,

I present in the following pages further evidence of insufficiency of inquiry.   I have sent two previous letters as you know that are dated 28 November 2010 and 6 December 2010.  I have also emphasised the importance in the evidence of our 'Opinion as to the likelihood that the death of David Kelly CMG DSc was the direct result of haemorrhage due to transection of his left ulnar artery'.