17th November 2015
To BBC Complaints, PO Box 1922, Darlington, DL3 0UR
Dear BBC,
I write to protest at your broadcast last Thursday 12th November re ''Johnny Jihad' (JJ). I believe it was on that evening. This is all from memory; I have not resorted to iPlayer.
The segment was introduced briefly by Mr Frank Gardner. I believe he said that JJ had “apparently” beheaded victims in his association with IS as it is now called.
Mr Paul Adams then reported that an 'air strike' had probably killed JJ but confirmation was awaited from the US which had carried it out.
From: David Halpin
Sent: 01 October 2012 17:00
To: HILTON Susie (via Bridgepoint address)
Subject: For the attention of Lord Patten of Bridgepoint
Dear Lord Patten,
"Our European Advisory Board (Bridgepoint) brings together exceptional people from business and political spheres, and offers the Firm informed external perspectives on strategic, political, social and other issues." QUITE.
I was not aware that you sat on the advisory board of Bridgepoint. I came to this after studying LGC forensics, another Bridgepoint holding, via a BBC report of terrible incompetence which caused a man to be held in jail for two months on a rape charge.
Care UK is a substantial holding (of Bridgepoint). The BBC is pumping out material that is strongly biased towards the early workings of the Health and Social Security Bill 2011. There is little doubt among many that the NHS might not survive as more than a logo - as used by the many private 'health' companies, if the destabilising/eviscerating strategy is maintained.
Read more: Conflicts of interest: Grotesque bias at the BBC/ZBC
By John Hilley - Zenpolitics
Eight more Palestinians have been killed today, Wednesday, as the death toll rises relentlessly in Gaza.
Two brothers have been killed as fearful Gazans endured another night of Israeli bombardment. Three Palestinian journalists are also dead after their car was blown up.
Last night on BBC News at Ten (20 Nov), amid scenes of devastation, Jeremy Bowen said of the killings:
"Now, I can't find much anger or sadness or even surprise about what's happened. That's partly because around here they've seen a lot of violent death. But also because in Gaza there is a strong culture of martyrdom."
But does, as Bowen crassly intimates, the 'glory of death' for Palestinians outweigh any other human emotion?
Read more: BBCensorship: On Norwegian divestment from Zionist colony construction companies.
1. The unlawful siege of Gaza, the collective punishment that is illegal under 4th GC etc, was started by the Israelis in March 2006 in response to the election of an Hamas dominated legislature after scrupulous elections. The medieval siege, as I named it, was accompanied by daily shelling (175 mm and other weaponry including the most modern and vicious, the former amounting to about 70 per day). I was there and I reported it to C4; Inigo Gilmour reported.
Read more: Letter of complaint regarding the Today Program 24th April 2008
Israeli-Palestinian Impartiality Review,
By email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. BBC Governance Unit,
Room 211,
35 Marylebone High Street,
24th November 2005
Read more: Letter of complaint to the Complaints Unit of the BBC, 6th July 2005