First read this excellent article by Greg Schneider of the Washington Post
Thousands flock to free medical clinic, as Washington dithers on health care
According to some reports this film is a 'sell out' in some cinemas in London!
Spread the word - this film sums up all the nasty Tory tactics Ridley, Letwin, et al. The scum bag running the GP Babylon app formerly a merchant banker Ali Parsa was behind Circle and the demise of the Hinchinbrooke Hospital. Looks at the appalling US system, 85,000,000 without insurance. The tent village at the town of Wise Virginia which treats people free, they bring in Diagnostic Equipment, dental chairs, etc.
Bob Gill is featured and helps with the production of the film. At the end of the film the credits list hundreds of folk who have sponsored it!
More information on this excellent film can be found here: The Great Heist