'Hi' Ray, hi
Briefly, because I need to add one short appeal on david halpin > election before 10am. I have not got time to check your assertions. I am not impressed as to your commitment to OUR NHS.
I am going out on this last day in the hired motor home with Bill McCluskey, a neighbour driving, - he is used to its width and length. I had intended similar against Bradshaw (Henry Jackson Society member but a ''Labour'' MP and a revolting Blairite) in Exeter, 2010. A small old caravan then, with the good intention of going round community halls, estates etc to listen to people's concerns and so they could get the measure of me. Many know me anyway as a surgeon first, and through public meetings - at least 4 in Totnes - Zion, Kelly, BBC, 'War', organic farming etc Also through my name on letters in the Mid Devon Advertiser, Western Morning News and national, with other doctors re torture of Palestinians by Israel for instance. And through broadcasts on national, regional and local broadcast media. The Voyage of the Dove and the Dolphin (google it - the website, soon to be redone, and see the terrible cruelty of Zion upon the noble, native humans, almost all noted by me. To Gaza 10 times but barred by the Zionist entity after they tried a second time to kill me + 15 others then 30-12-03) There is a stack of records here I have no time to sift.)
Many know I am a man of strong principle who cares deeply about almost everything. And they know I get things done - even filling two lethal potholes with quick setting concrete down from Haytor so a cyclist did not end up dead or brain dead. Also that I call a spade a spade - as now.
I do not have the time to answer your points but the central fact in this crucial but snap election in NA is that a retired doctor/surgeon who has spent literally thousands of hours fighting for OUR NHS and more recently for the CH beds in ND and SD needed fulsome support. I respect Helen but her use of 'chutzpah' was inappropriate. Just as SOHS is. It is save OUR HEALTH SERVICE not just HOSPITAL. The latter is on its beam end and all is just capable of salvage. I do not think you are a 'controlled opposition' like the XR lot, and many other inventions, but you have as a group lacked oomph. The turnout for the talk in Paignton you requested from me was pathetic and indeed insulting, with Alex Moore turning up late because of a school commitment.
Bob Gill was ready to come the 200 miles and would have made a great difference if SOHS had responded. His name was not mentioned by Geralyn in her reply, neither in your very full bulletins. My name as a candidate in NA was not mentioned either, even given my standing with an intact brain and body (almost) in my 80th year, and with a vast experience of OUR NHS behind me. I am 'underwhelmed'.
I am saying that 'party politics' are dead. The grossly hypocritical actors, and especially Tweedledum, Tweedledee and tweedle have committed harikari on the abysmal TV.
In the 'hustings' at Dawlish last evening, again 'church' organised, I said this finally. 'There has been no mention of the destruction of peoples abroad, and their countries. Of the milions, killed, tortured especially by the US and Israel, and Britain as with Julian Assange in Bellmarsh whom I also mentioned, of the miillins of refugees. The latter included on the generally sickly Woman's Hour - possibly by the eqiallt sickly Jenni Murray, 40,000 mostly Syrian refugees locked up in a 'camp' on a Greek Island courtesy of the EU, which Wriggly, the Lib''Dem'' candidate defended so pathetically last evening. All in all, parochial from heads downwards, visionless, and completely amoral. No wonder we have the 'societal disintegration' I keep saying. 'Universal broadband' (why not satellite connection for the remote connections) was an early empty promise from JC. I used to correspond with him, and he knows me from my efforts in Palestine - NOT 'Israel'.
I respect James Osben the NA Labour candidate. He is a man of conscience unlike so many - say Jess Phillips, Watson, in ''Labour'' ranks. We sing from the same hymn sheet for social justice but this is the time for independenmt thought and the best commin action. See the twleve (so far) entries under 'Core Issues' in the Election annexe, and the first. As I said last night - 360, 000 dear children living within homeless familes. Cf with 'broadband' promises. Then education, then OUR NHS >> Salaries. Meanwhile we leave a 'neo-liberal racket'.
Finally, I have said that Britain cannot be at ease with itself unless and until the 'paramount psychopath and war criminal' is brought to the right side of the bar with his equally psychopathic 'sofa cabinet'
for truth
David (Halpin MB BS FRCS) 01364 661115
ps I will shortly, MP or not, be writing my conclusions about the assassination 17/18-07-03 of Dr David Kelly. I attach the first letter questioning the rigged Hutton's 'verdict' on this unnatural death which has NEVER been subject, uniquely, to an inquest. I also attach an amusing short letter published in the WMN. Note in the annexe - NEVER GIVE UP.
You persist Ray with the exclusion from your edgy texts in excluding a valiant (Geralyn's word I recall) person who served with distinction in OUR NHS as a doctor first and a surgeon second. Who knows the NHS inside out, and unlike most of the 130,000 doctors has done his absolute best to warn the public of the constant destabilise>demoralise>dismantle policy of the death watch beatles working inside the timbers of the NHS. ** The clicking of the beatles, the 'death watch' matching the beat of the myriad keyboards in that 15% of budget spent on 'admin'. You recall I fought Thatcher's (ex Milton Friedman's Chicago School aka Pinochet coup d'etat et al et al) and predicted the 5% spent on 'admin' would double. The only consultant from Torbay, among about 70, who briefed himself and predicted that the latter budget would double. It did at least - £1.3 billion in the first year, and probably more, with the total being then £32 billion then.
I also predicted that apparently ridiculous 'Internal Market' but with an evil purpose beneath would demoralise staff with its overweening bureaucracy, as with the EU. It did. And that it would break the friendly and patient centered triangle of patient, GP, and specialist (a better name than the pompous 'consultant'. It did that too. Some GPs would come to our excellent Medical Centre at Torbay on a Tuesday noon. Then a presentation of a patient with a problem that needed solving, or with an unusual diagnosis, or a lesson to be learned. I loved taking part although my fracture 'list' ended just before. We learned together in the joy of healing, in what I call a sacred calling in a non-religious way.
You will recall my telling you that in 2007 I widely advertised, with others, a talk I was to give in Totnes - Methodist Church meeting room. All town councillors from the surrounding towns were written to by me personally. I had been the senior 'orthopod' at Torbay since 1975 so had treated many, and I had given talks about the paramount psychopath and war criminal Blair, about Dr David Kelly, the terrible BBC, Zion etc to large audiences in Totnes Town Hall and St John's. 30 turned up. One councillor only from Brixham but he left early. c. 20 GP friends and their ex-nurse wives. John Lister PhD had driven from Oxford, a leading health economist, had driven from Oxford at my invitation to give his expert 'take' on Labour's massive PFI - courtesy of the big 4 and neo[liberalism in general. The title in that, the ?10th year of Nu Labor's reign was YOUR NHS: Going,going, gone. Not to your liking perhaps. 'Outsourching' under Labor was about 15% - as now but rising.
Perhaps you are not in 'sync' with my 'valiant' efforts for our noble, and native sisters and brothers in Palestine. A good chance 30-12-08 that I would no longer be breathing with 15 other real humans. I do not know. But I made a stroke at the end of the shallow, staccato 'hustings' at Dawlish College last night. The 'liberal' question, the light one as on Gardener's Question Time. 'How were we going to spend 'our' Christmas.' Wriggly 0 Lib''''Dem''' - with family etc. I was last and said, rather fiercely perhaps, I would celebrate the birth of Jesus when we stopped killing and maiming others abroad and destroying their nations for ever. I added that SHAMEFULLY our aggressive wars against the Nuremberg Protocols and the UN Charter had not been mentioned either in the Punch&Judy debates or in the campaigning at large. Confirming what I say 'party politics' are dead, as dead as a million Iraqi citizens, many children , and many more before from 1992 due to the dracoinan sanctions imposed by GB, US and France, with the latter withdrawing.
for truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su4Qm5pvagY Bournemouth OUR NHS 45 minutes
I forgot to say how the ghastly BBC had done its megawattage best to rehabilitate Blair. Image attached. Albania, spring 2016 - 'advising' the 'president'. His usual 'smile' confirms the diagnosis of his most dangerous psychopathy - akin for instance to Hitler and Stalin. Never mentioned in the 'election campaign' David
Hi David, ……….and those copied into your recent message.
I note the concerns in your message addressed to myself (see your message below).
Could I draw your attention David to comments sent to you by Helen Beetham, a member of Save Our Hospital Services -Torbay & Sth Devon (SOHS-TSD) Steering Committee, in her email of 22.11.2019, which in my view adequately explained the position for some SOHS-TSD campaigners. I see Geralyn Arthurs, a SOHS-TSD supporter, also responded in full to other matters you have raised, namely your request for a public meeting to take place in Teignmouth during the GE period, and the origins of SOHS’s campaign name. I saw no reason for me to add anything extra to these email exchanges.
The last two SOHS-TSD campaign meetings that I attended discussed the General Election, as you would expect. It became clear that most people were committed to campaigning for their respective political parties, or party of choice, during the GE period. Understandably, there was no decision taken to endorse any one particular candidate, or group of candidates. In addition to this, it was thought best to hold off for the time being on a public meeting in Teignmouth. However people did see the value of SOHS-TSD, as a broadly supported campaign group (one of three SOHS groups in Devon), continuing to be active at this time.
From memory I believe the decisions taken with respect to the GE were:
1) For campaign stalls to continue whenever possible throughout the GE period
2) To produce and use leaflets urging people to vote 12th Dec. to save and rebuild the NHS - to provide information regarding the damage done to the NHS by cuts, austerity, outsourcing, privatisation, and warn of the dangers involved in a Johnson-Trump deal
3) For supporters to encourage others to put questions to GE candidates at local hustings
4) For supporters to approach GE candidates at local hustings and request they sign SOHS-TSD’s petition
I hope the above makes things somewhat clearer for you.
Contrary to your assumption David, as far as I can see no one person ‘runs’ the SOHS-TSD group. The group has a Chairperson, and Steering Committee. Some Committee members have regular responsibilities, but in general my experience is that campaign work is shared. As you will know, proposals for action are received/raised/decided upon at monthly meetings by those in attendance.
For my part, I find the group always warmly welcomes those who wish to assist and support its work.
VOTE - THURSDAY 12th DECEMBER - TO SAVE AND REBUILD THE NHS Which candidates are speaking for the NHS locally, and especially for Teignmouth CH?
See attachment - and contents. Google david halpin > election > under 'core issues' No party funds - all from my savings - good NHS pension and pretty frugal. c.£6000 and pleased to contribute. No agent - missed deadline by 15 minutes
Thank you Ray for the boost! - though on the same hymn sheet, and myself with a long record of fighting for the NHS, from 1988 and before. Quisling. I say - 'party politics is dead' - killed by the proponents - execrable. I assume you have run SOHospitalS - should be H for Health, from a party political perspective. People would have sensed that - probably explains in part the turnout of 8 when I spent 6 hours preparing my talk and going over to Paignton with Sue +projector+screen. No words. What motivates you? Do my other foci trouble you. Zion? Dr Kelly?