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Spotlight broadcast Evening News 5-05-2021 Ms Woodman journalist - with Ms Graham -- 'Vaccine Hesitancy' re the Muslim community SW Adverse effects NOT reported by the BBC 

7.50 minutes to 11.20  Removed at 7pm each evening

Dear Ms Woodman,

I have written to you previously, as a well informed retired doctor and surgeon concerned for his fellow humans, especially the mother and child.  My current maxim - 'no mother and child should be in the least harmed anywhere in our still beautiful world.'

and copied you into several letters to the health editor Mr Hugh Pym.  As for him, he corresponded with me conscientiously over the Ebola shambles (Nurse Cafferkey), but I have had no word from him re Wuhan 12-12-2021, the passed on the nod Corona Virus Bill 2019/2020 and much destruction since - especially of people's minds, livelihoods and common sense.  They are on my rather full website.

 (   Psychopaths who rule cause much frenetic activity,chaos and hurt - viz Johnson, Hancock, Patel et al  eg  'johnson'  >   36 refs
This re a predecessor - David Cameron    ) 

WE pay you through our statutory licence fees to tell the truth.  You are not doing so.  You speak of no adverse effects, do not discuss the absence of any informed consent - a legal duty upon doctors whose moral courage has failed largely, and use every foul propaganda method to instill fear of a virus with a very low mortality in the fitter.  You and all the other ciphers in the 'media' will be held to account.

A few anecdotes - direct -

1.  My 80 yr old sister - residual or recurrent thyroid cancer had the Pfizer/BionTech junk in February.  Herpes zoster.  In the MHRA 'adverse effects to 29th April 414 cases of zoster.  See link below.  The ancient and useless Yellow Card system for reporting adverse effects by doctors and patients probably records less than 10% of such.

2.  My tyre fitter friend Derek  Latest - a letter toi the Chairman of the GMC  Dame Clare Marx

3.  Friend - 70+ Poor lungs.  'Jab' - next day the most profuse diarrhoea - for 2 days.

4.  Contractor - 45 fit but said in early boyhood to be congenitally IGg deficient.  But 'jabbed' in Plymouth football stadium 'quick in and out' NO informed consent.  Next mmorning felt as if he 'had 10 pints the night before'.  Extreme weakness for 2 weeks. could hardly get off the floor.  Self-employed.  No work for 2 weeks.

Indirect -

1.  Xmas Eve.  Car rolled over by the Livermead Hotel, Torquay.  Road closed for several hours.  Story that the driver had had a 'jab' 10 minutes before at the English 'Riviera'. Centre.  NO media reports.  Outcome not known. 

2.  Granddaughter.  Her grandfather died in Torbay Hospital of a RUPTURED AORTIC ANEURYSM.  Covid_19 on the death 'certificate'.  (A senior civil servant on maternity leave - allerged to a friend that monetary rewards were being made to doctors and health 'authorities' for inclusion of C19 on the death certificates.  Documented in the USA - up to $36,000 for record of mechanical ventilation - contraindicated in general in C19 lung disease.

But go to the MHRA website >  >


and now I see the Moderna junk is being inoculated into gullible, uninformed victims - all experimental vaccines - these part of a very poorly scrutinised third phase 'trial'

Ms Woodman.  Stop being a mouthpiece for a fascist government.  My definition - the subjugation of the individual's will and freedom by an overweening state. Humanity withers, freedom of speech is stifled and the soul dies.Self preservation becomes a dominant drive.

Your editors -  stop the highly edited 'vox pops.  Stop listening to central direction of ''news''.  Stop conflating +ve results of the inappropriate and as conducted, grossly inaccurate RT-PCR tests with 'cases'.  Done from the start. 

You will know that fewer and fewer people look or listen to the BBC.  One thing I welcome is the self destruction of the BEEB - a pro-war organization - Afgh
anistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc etc   And pro the criminal regime of the Netanyahus.

READ  posted yesterday

for truth

David Halpin MB BS FRCS