At home. Increase police numbers and criminologists. Any secret society to be declared on applications to join, and in service. Scrupulous selection based on education, social awareness and personal principles. Wrongdoing – timely investigation and whewre necessary prosecution. Continued into retirement of officers whenever necessary. All voluntary interviews, arrests etc – noy guilty until proven. Re-instatement of a National Forensic Service with the most strict guidelines as to response times and practice. The recruitment and listing of pathologists for the Home Office must be by the most excellent police persons, physicians and lawyers in the field.
Abroad. All leaders of aggressive wars in recent decades to be brought to the Hague or similar structure without fail. Without well proven convictions, war will be infinite and global annihilation certain. The psychopath might crave the apocalypse. Blair and his ‘sofa cabinet’ are to be pursued straight away. The actions and words of Cameron et al, and May and Johnson et al are to be examined by an international group of lawyers. These to include Falk, McKinney, …… and to be advised by Halliday and Von Sponeck universal jurisdiction law.