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An elderly lady, Brenda, who got our annual newsletter from the Dove and Dolphin which had a hand on the shoulder of the Palestinian people, sent this with her donation:

Say not the struggle naught availeth
The labour and the wounds are vain
The enemy faints not, nor faileth
And as things have been, things remain

For while the tired waves, vainly breaking
Seem here no painful inch to gain
Far back through creeks and inlets making
Comes silent, flooding in, the main

I thought they were William Blake's words.  In fact they are A.E. Clough's (she penned the name in), and they make me weep.

 'Never give up .....' she said. The post card was of Hampstead Heath by Constable.  Amidst the evil and the filth there are good and gentle souls.

Audio for Radio Devon via journalist Sophie Pierce whom I like, and who has interviewed me several times 11.30 10-12-19

Dear Sophie,

Campaigning hard as an Independent man and mind in the constituency of Newton Abbot.  Back from the woods, I had a message about 10 days ago to contact you.  You have interviewed me several times, first and way back to do with the Voyage of The Dove and the Dolphin - 1-02-03.  Again re my fight with good others for the life of our Community Hospitals and their vital in-patient beds.  Lost - hence the third world chaos in OUR DGHs.  Every day I hear stories of gross negligence.

I 'phoned the Plymouth BBC, and James recorded about 7 minutes of my forth right responses to about 6 set questions. He said 'great'.  I trust he will stay in post.  He said you were unsure when the whole piece would be broadcast.  I have not heard.  I have watched a few minutes of the Boris/Jeremy Punch and Judy show which central BBC 'editors' are keen to flog to infinity.  I have seen a few excruciating clips from the third form debating society - Mrs Swinson.  Britain has been lowered mostly by our politicians but ably helped by the 'media'.

First read this excellent article by  Greg Schneider of the Washington Post

Thousands flock to free medical clinic, as Washington dithers on health care

According to some reports this film is a 'sell out' in some cinemas in London!

Spread the word - this film sums up all the nasty Tory tactics Ridley, Letwin, et al. The  scum bag running the GP Babylon app formerly a merchant banker Ali Parsa was behind Circle and the demise of the Hinchinbrooke Hospital. Looks at the appalling US system, 85,000,000 without insurance. The tent village at the town of Wise Virginia which treats people free, they bring in Diagnostic Equipment, dental chairs, etc.

Bob Gill is featured and helps with the production of the film. At the end of the film the credits list hundreds of folk who have sponsored it!

More information on this excellent film can be found here: The Great Heist

Dear Bob,

You might have had time to read my e-mail of 22 hours ago.  I am 'straining every sinew' for our dear country and OUR NHS.

I am shaved and dressed after 6 hours of good sleep, helped by 12.5 mg of Quetiapine.  This helps me get to sleep again quickly rather than my active brain bringing all those things I want to project to largely dulled minds in my campaign to unseat a Tory, Anne Marie Morris

Dear David      21st of November

We are thrilled that you are 'candidating' in the General Election ........ and wish you the very best. Please do not over stress yourself ... you are needed to help root out the disasters in UK politics especially.

Love, Joy and Peace   

ps Thank you for your letters you have sent to various papers!