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More money (view in pdf) is being stripped from the Sunak indicae Money Tree.  A few months ago the National Debt (under estimated with exclusion of pensions etc) was equal to the UK's Gross Domestic Product.  Since it is no longer mentioned, one can assume it now exceeds GDP.

The letter below was submitted to the Mid Devon Advertiser at 11.33 am on 1-06-2021.  It was not in the 3-06 edition, and neither the one of the 10th.  The first letter in this last edition was from Mr Connett, leader of Teignbridge District Council and Devon County Councillor.  His letter (view in pdf) spoke of the need for an 'adult' conversation regarding the Alexandra Theatre and its replacement with a 'multiplex' cinema for 'great' films, but with some accommodation for traditional theatre.  £9 million of 'funny' money via HMG's 'Future High Streets Fund.

My letter is too wordy perhaps but the main point is that in the face of continued 'social disintegration', concrete and steel will only aid that.  Rebuilding our humanity is way and above the priority.  This includes the fun of association in the arts and live performance - not via the all powerful MSM.

Dear Letters Editor,

I write in response to the Devon Reporter page 6, last week in the Mid Devon Advertiser.

First I read 'fantastic' in the headline and twice in the text, first from Mr Connett, and then from the current MP Anne Marie Morris.  I refer to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary - entry edited by me.

a :  based on fantasy : not real

b : conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy

c : so extreme as to challenge belief : synonym - 'unbelievable' - example 'a fantastic industrial complex of steel, coal, machine tools, and other heavy industries'
d : marked by extravagant fantasy: synonym - eccentric - 'fantastic works of art'   
e : fantastic: synonym - excellent, superlative - 'a fantastic meal'

All come from 'fantasm' - illusion, spectre, ghost, a figment of the imagination.  The latter fits best with what is portrayed in the MDA report.  I wrote of the Sunak indicae Money Tree   and published in the MDA with Jim the WW2 Veteran  - view in pdf

Funny money is just that - a figment or an infinite number of 000s and 111s on computer screens on the well remunerated wizards in government or in the City of London.

Have not Messrs Connett, Anne Marie Morris and the 'Devon Reporter' not realised that UK National Debt equaled UK ANNUAL Gross Domestic Product some months ago, and as the billions spew out, the former will now exceed it.  Jam today, pay tomorrow - with extra taxes, pension raids etc as with the unjust rise of the age threshold for women.

Following the bail out of the bankers in 2008, with the sum of £540 billion from the UK Exchequer, a sum equal then to five annual NHS budgets, there was the need to 'balance  the books' and 'austerity' was the watchword.

Briefly - if it ain't broken don’t fix it.  That is leave the Alexandra Theatre well alone and do everything to encourage live performance and artistic expression.  A 'state of the art cinema' will be mostly about the dominance of Hollywood, Disney etc, plus Amazon which is into everything.

The priority is not for concrete, glass, imported bollards, and trees to break the brutality, but to rebuild our society.  Have people not noticed the societal disintegration  all about.  Read the pages in this issue of criminal prosecutions which include the ex-leader of Devon County Council!

Tackle the real and growing pandemic of obesity.  Look at the photos in this issue.

The priority is to involve all peoples, for inclusion, and re-building humanity.

And BTW, was it Councillor Connett who was responsible with a planning officer, and within the rules, to see a 40 acre solar farm in the Haldon Hills about 10 years ago. 'Unbelievable' was that!

yours sincerely

David Halpin FRCS