I have had a lot to deal with this 'unnatural death'; I have used my knowledge as a doctor first and surgeon second, to clarify the forensic elements in this case of global relevance.
His death was all about the war on Iraq - for Israel (see my website and search 'Oded Yinon'). The part played by the paramount psychopath and war criminal SIR Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in that 'aggressive' war from which so many crimes flow - Nuremberg 1, and in the investigation of this single death among millions, is central. He ordered the whitewash of the Hutton inquiry whilst David Kelly's body was still cooling in Harrowdown Wood, and before the identity of the corpse had been confirmed by his GP Dr Warner!
It is now 21 years since his death and over 20 years since our small group - mostly doctors and some with special knowledge first called for an inquest. This is yet to happen, as with the trial of Sir Anthony Blair in an international court.
There is a vast bibliography and videography, some of which is on my hard disc. (BTW - there were seven such - encrypted, in David Kelly's house in Southmoor. These taken by people without uniform, the Thames Valley police having been pushed aside.)
Our group had promised to plead in the High Court for judicial review of the then Attorney General Dominic Grieve in his refusal to instigate an inquest. I kept that promise in Halpin v Regina in a rigged hearing 19-12-2011 and with wide and rapid public support. Of course, 'my' plea failed.
Thank you very much. I know you are aware that this is a most important hearing. You will have seen from the fifth attachment - below to Chief Constable Sawyer, that I was doing exactly as good Dame Janet Smith had demanded in one of her ? 3 reports on the Shipman mass murder.
So much concealed re Shipman - assisted by doctors of the lowest moral courage and a patchy coronial system - influenced by corrupt/ignorant career politicians.
I continue. with a few others, but wide silent public support for an INQUEST into this public servant's 'unnatural death' -
Interview with press TV outside Royal Courts of Justice 19 December 2011
Published: 11 January 2012
A wide ranging interview which spoke for truth in the nation, and against the corruption at the top of government and in the tiers of power below. A possible reason for the likely assassination of Dr Kelly was stated. That is his possible knowledge about the incineration of the arms of Ali Abbas, his parents and eight relatives was most likely caused by a nuclear weapon. ** The most intense, short lived thermal or nuclear energy must have been the agent for such terrible injuries to Ali and his ten relatives. A neutron shell as being the likely weapon was not mentioned in the interview.
for truth and with respect to the office of HMC
David Halpin MB BS FRCS Kiln Shotts, Haytor, Newton Abbot TQ13 9XR 0044 1364 661115
On 09/10/2024 7:45 am, coroners service secure - mailbox wrote:
Good morning,
Thank you for your email It will be brought to the attention of HMC.
Kind regards
HMC administration
I have had no word from the office of the coroner today. I thought it worthwhile to search for e-mails sent by me re HCH - I used 'holmesley'. I attach a letter sent to Chief Constable Sawyer - e-mails to do with that letter are below.
I quote this from my letter to the CC - and emphasise that this duty as laid out by Dame Janet Smith was and is my central motivation - though not as yet 'statutory'.
Body of report
The Duty to Report Concerns to the Coroner19.126
The imposition of a statutory duty to report matters of concern to the coroner was discussed at length during the seminars and is reported at paragraphs 17.74 to 17.84. In my view there should be a statutory duty on any qualified or responsible person to report to the Coroner Service any concern relating to the cause or circumstances of a death of which s/he becomes aware in the course of his/her duties. In the class of ‘qualified’persons, I include doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics. In the class of ‘responsible’persons, I include hospital and hospice managers, registrars, care home owners and managers, police officers, firefighters, funeral directors, embalmers and mortuary technicians. The duty upon such a person should be to report to a coroner or coroner’s519
The Shipman Inquiryinvestigator, as soon as practicable, any information relating to a death believed by that person to be true and which, if true, might amount to evidence of crime, malpractice or neglect. The duty upon funeral directors, mortuary technicians and embalmers would obviously be related to any signs of violence, medical malpractice or neglect which they might observe when preparing the body for disposal or autopsy.
I do not have a transcript of the hearing so far - but in the press reports, and the brief quotes from the pathologist/s, there is no mention of 'vaccination'. Without public exposure of what medicaments, injections etc that these 7 elderly persons received, and whether informed consent was achieved re any 'vaccination', Dr Longhorn will surely find coming to verdicts - separately I assume as to the causes of death, very difficult.
There is obvious need, judging from the press reports which focus on 'testing' and compliance with 'mask wearing', to continue the hearing with all diligence. And one might ask - there were 9 deaths at least. Are 2 at least excluded because the deaths were of 'natural' cause?
There is some detail in this report in the Sidmouth Herald
I quote this -Miss Skinner, a retired care worker, died on March 17 in hospital after contracting the virus.
Her cause of death was as a result of Covid-19, contributed to by diabetes, hypertension and cancer. That opinion of a pathologist could have been open to question unless there was electron microscopic evidence of the corona virus in known target organs eg kidneys, and evidence at the autopsy or in subsequent histological examination of tissues, showing that pathology caused by "diabetes, hypertension and cancer' was subsidiary to " Her cause of death was as a result of Covid-19"
for truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
Dear Mr Halpin
Thank you for your email.
Your request for the release of the autopsy findings relating to the death of 9 residents at the Sidford Care Home and the pathologists/clinicians conclusions, has been forward to the Freedom of Information Office to reply.
A response will follow in due course.
Yours sincerely
Executive Support Team
Office of the Chief Constable
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 14 April 2021 15:28
Subject: Re the deaths of 9 residents of the Holmesley Care Home Sidford URGENT
Dear Chief Constable,
I attach a letter to you in confidence and look forward to your response.
for truth and with kind regards
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
A little tired. I forgot to ask this of His Majesty's Coroner in Devon
I add this - my first substantive e-mail was sent at 9am on Thursday 3rd of October. When was the inquest formally adjourned - time and date?
Thank you
For truth
David Halpin FRCS 8.09 pm 7-10-24
Dear Ms Evans, I note your header HMC inquest - I presume you refer to that in the header above.
I reply at c.7.45 pm 7-10-24, after going to the doctors myself - for a sub-acute renal tract infection which might have been brought on by quiet infection with a variant of the laboratory manipulation of a coronaviridae virion in the Republic of China. This was funded by two tranches of dollars from the 'Centre for Disease Control and Prevention' - CDC. It was lead for many years by a Dr Anthony Fauci - present leadership -
I note this - an e-mail from your office 50 minutes before - at 3.45 pm with the e-mail trail included - here
Dear David Halpin,
Thank you for your email a copy of which has been brought to the attention of Ms Longhorn.
Kind Regards
HMC Admin
The Spotlight broadcast of last Friday by John Danks journalist, recorded adjournment until the present week. Not specifically 'adjournment for a verdict alone'. I have taken the trouble in my 85th year to bring relevant facts to the coroner. I regard the coronial system as the last bastion of law in our benighted country. A simple question -
in "your email a copy of which has been brought to the attention of Ms Longhorn". You. or another servant of the court, presumably thought what I brought was worthy of presentation to Dr Alison Longhorn, and that conclusions as to the cause of death in the seven care home residents were still open for new evidence. These are very important matters of national and indeed global relevance.
I will now have this correspondence, with the attachments posted on my general website.
BTW. I like addressing people with inclusion of their respected qualifications. Since Dr Alison Longhorn is not registered on the General Medical Council Register as medically qualified, I presume that she holds a PhD or MD degree. Please tell me so that I can address her in a courteous manner.
for truth
David Halpin FRCS
I have received no acknowledgment yet - 2pm 7/10
I add a letter from a general practitioner who shares my concerns re the 'covid vaccine' - which I know was inoculated into residents at HCH. And I recall that 11 people were admitted to the RD&E - 10 residents and one carer, with a close temporal relationship to the inoculation of a so called 'vaccine'. And without informed consent - unethical and against Nuremberg - since the material had not gone through standard trials ie experimental. The letter to the GMC from Dr Cartland must be admitted in evidence for your inquiry, as well as the dates and batch numbers of any 'trial' inoculations.
https://riseuk.substack.com/p/rise-008-dr-david-cartland-gmc-letter?triedRedirect=true His letter now attachedattach
Quote - David Cartland is a UK-based GP and vocal critic of the COVID Vaccination programme. He has a First Class Honours Degree in Bio-Medical Sciences, including a year of Immunology and Virology. A total of 10 years of medical training with 15 years of post graduate experience.
for truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS 01364 661115
ps I know your court is 'under pressure', my having seen the backlog of inquests on the website.
FAO Dr Alison Longhorn - Coroner for the merged Devon areas, SENT at 9am + on 3-10-2024
and copied to the WMN and the Mid Devon Advertiser given the wide public interest in government and 'medical' responses to a generally non-fatal disease caused by a manipulated virion of the class Coronaviridae
Dear Dr Longhorn,
I wished to give you written evidence of my analysis and questioning of the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary regarding these tragic deaths of frail people in the Holmesley Care Home (HCH) Sidford, but my domestic and other responsibilities came between. I am prompted now by the front page report in yesterday's Western Morning News 'Care Nurse said Covid a Conspiracy'.
I was well educated 1958-64 at St Mary's W2, home of penicillin, in the areas of virology, immunology (especially by Professor Ken Porter Nobel Prizewinner), bacteriology and epidemiology, (attached - my CV) and in all other aspects of medicine and surgery. Although after 11 years of training in most fields of surgery I became a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, I retained a broad interest in the whole and was recognised as being a good physician with a very sound scientific knowledge base.
I was concerned from the start as to the scientific basis of all that was broadcast following the reporting of a disease caused by one of the coronaviridae family ( as classified in the 60s) of virions in Wuhan on the 12th of December 2019. A 'pandemic' was declared by the WHO in mid-January when, if my recall is correct, there had only been about a thousand deaths globally due to it. And whether that was the central cause of death might be questioned given that it became widely reported that c. 95% of such deaths were associated with 'co-morbidity' eg gross obesity, diabetes, lung disease - (critical, given that the virion is especially 'toxic' to alveolar cells) etc . Generally, the broadcast and print media pictured a deadly disease, a 'black plague', and great fear was generated - particularly in those with vulnerable psyches.
I became even more concerned with the 'roll out' of a 'vaccine' which had not undergone third phase trials, and which in the early months of 2021 was being inoculated without informed consent - both criminal and unethical. The condensation of the Hippocratic oath to 'do no harm' requires the qualified physician to be sure of the safety of any procedure or enteric/injected agent and to spell out in understandable words the pros and cons. I was classed - for reasons never stated, that I was 'clinically extremely vulnerable' and must have received over 40 e-mails, letters etc urging me to have the 'covid vaccine'. I wrote in this vein to the general practice which serves me well, but had no reply. Attached and anonymised.)
I have corresponded widely with experts in the field, with the media, and with legislators. I asked the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary to have published the autopsy reports on those dying at HCH or in hospital, as probably carried out at the RD&E. They would have to be anonymised of course, but facts should have been put in the public domain for ethical, medical and political reasons especially. Bear in mind that £420 billion has been spent on 'covid', just under three times the annual NHS budget. I attach the letter of refusal, and attach my reply.
I would be content to give evidence verbally, and include responses to the simpler - eg the scientific basis for 'masking' in such environments as HCH, or the more complex - the production of the vaccines and their proper testing.
for truth and with respect
David Halpin MB BS FRCS Kiln Shotts, Haytor, Newton Abbot, TQ13 9XR 01364 661115
ONE I have edited my CV to include mention of my deep interest and knowledge of pathology, including the forensic. I have included this posting - the last of 52 references on my website to David Kelly CMG DSc
An open letter. I am yet to reply in detail to an e-mail from the AG's office, but will when time allows. I have a lead part in pleading for an inquest into this unnatural death of 21 years ago.
TWO. Regarding mass murder by doctors, I am very aware of the excellence of the report by Dame Janet Smith on the Shipman murders, and how doctors in negligence or by other defect, helped obscure the causes in sudden and unexpected deaths in elderly patients
Thank you very much. I will e-mail your office in the next two weeks. kind regards David H.
Good morning,
Thank you for your email, please put any concerns, information you would like to share with HMC to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and it will passed to the Coroner who has conduct of the case.
Kind regards
HMC administration
-----Original Message-----
From: David Halpin
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 6:34 PM
To: coroners service secure - mailbox
Subject: Deaths with 'covid'To the Corner's Office at Exeter
I recalled this announcement of an inquest into deaths at the Holmesley Care Home Sidford. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-68208426
I had correspondence with the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary regarding these deaths. It is important I share this with the coroner and explain the context of my concerns.
David Halpin MB BS FRCS Haytor 01364 661115