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"And I think, in the end, that is the best definition of journalism I have heard; to challenge authority - all authority - especially so when governments and politicians take us to war, when they have decided that they will kill and others will die."
~ Robert Fisk
David's Current Maxim: 'No mother and child should be in the least harmed anywhere in our still beautiful world.'
... March 2021. There has been no reply from his office.
The e-mail has been posted on my website: ...
... in mind the miniscule mortality rate in the healthy of all ages who have suffered clinically diagnosed Covid_19 illness without significant co-morbidity.
I have already alerted the GMC to the neglect ...
... The latter fits best with what is portrayed in the MDA report. I wrote of the Sunak indicae Money Tree ...
... to the Covid_19 (C19) virus since March 2020, and published my conclusions -
These are the essential facts.
... killed together with her husband and children; Dr Ayman Abu Al-Ouf, with his wife and two children, an internal medicine consultant who was leading the team treating patients with COVID at Shifa hospital. ...
... is the Covid_19 lie with which you have wrecked many lives, some under motorway bridges, and our national economy. Hardly 'conservatism'. There is NO scientific basis for any of your advice, rules or ...
... especially the mother and child. My current maxim - 'no mother and child should be in the least harmed anywhere in our still beautiful world.' ...
... last of which was over five months ago, due to the arbitrary occupation measures banning family visits under the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. Articles 146 and 147 of ...
... COVID injection The doctor and consultant wrote that she was ‘struggling’ to understand ‘the failure to report the reality of the morbidity caused by our current vaccination program within the health service ...
... in any way to my letter of concern of the 4th of March 2021 ...
"Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side."
A Quotation From: The NHS Dismantled
In his report to the Conservative Party’s Economic Reconstruction Group in 1977, Nicholas Ridley wrote that:
"...denationalisation should not be attempted by frontal attack but by preparation for return to the private sector by stealth. We should first pass legislation to destroy the public sector monopolies. We might also need to take power to sell assets. Secondly, we should fragment the industries as far as possible and set up the units as separate profit centres."