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"And I think, in the end, that is the best definition of journalism I have heard; to challenge authority - all authority - especially so when governments and politicians take us to war, when they have decided that they will kill and others will die."
~ Robert Fisk
David's Current Maxim: 'No mother and child should be in the least harmed anywhere in our still beautiful world.'
... serving as an officer in the tag end of the Raj - 'India'! You have been crucified by the fascist GMC, an arm of the pharmaceutical giants, and an extension of our 'government'. ...
... that no criticism has been made either by the GMC, or the expert witnesses, of the findings contained within Dr Shorrock’s first post-mortem report.
Professor Vanezis also described the procedure ...
... 52 refs
Zero response from the GMC as to all correspondence re C19 and its ...
... a so called 'vaccine'. And without informed consent - unethical and against Nuremberg - since the material had not gone through standard trials ie experimental. The letter to the GMC from Dr Cartland must ...
... two lawyers, a GP and a retired police officer attended Hammersmith police station and made a criminal complaint against the MHRA and the GMC. The evidence was damning. A crime number was issued. This ...
... I quote you:
On 24/10/2022 11:46 am, gmcThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:Your GMC reference number: 0324409
Dear Dr Halpin
Thank you for contacting us about Sir Anthony John ...
... Mohammad Iqbal Adil FRCS Ed FRCSI who has been excluded from his expert practice for 2 years plus - (the posting will be copied to the acting chairman of the GMC - the General Medical Council)
... Medical Council -
Dear Dr Johnson,
I ask you as a fellow doctor, bound by our Hippocratic oath – simplified as ‘do no harm’, to read the attached document written by retired ...
Part One. The case of the GMC versus Mohammed Adil FRCS Ed FRSCI
I became sharply aware of biased judgement and response by the GMC when I brought evidence in 2011 of serious professional misconduct ...
ps Dr Sam White below - a GP who told of the lie of C19 'policy' and that 'vaccination' was unnecessary - 'de-registered' by the frankly fascist GMC, but honoured by the High Court of England. NOT ...
... to meeting him at Hardwick near where I used to row for St Mary's! And with Dr Peter McCullough in the US. My friend Mohammed Iqbal Adil, who has been crucified by the fascist GMC and whom I have defended, ...
... Please confirm that you have read this.
I join the GMC into your campaign in its own negligence. It continues to protect doctors from potential claims of negligence whilst at the same time victimising ...
David Halpin FRCS
Kiln Shotts
Newton Abbot
TQ13 9XR
25thof May 2021
To your Honour, the justice in the High Court in Manchester in the case of the GMC v Mr ...
Open letter to Dame Clare Marx DBE DL, FRCS SFFMLM, Chairman of the General Medical Council of GB, and Mr Matthew Statham – legal adviser to the GMC in the case of Mr Mohammad Iqbal Adil FRCS Ed (Case ...
... in mind the miniscule mortality rate in the healthy of all ages who have suffered clinically diagnosed Covid_19 illness without significant co-morbidity.
I have already alerted the GMC to the neglect ...
... 1 to 10% of adverse effects from other immunizations were reported to the Centre for Disease Control.
4. There is a duty which I know the GMC has at the forefront - informed consent. All the ...
... Latest - a letter toi the Chairman of the GMC Dame Clare Marx
3. Friend - 70+ Poor lungs. 'Jab' - next day the most profuse diarrhoea - for 2 days.
4. Contractor - 45 fit but said in early ...
This e-mail with its serious complaints re Dr Smout and her colleagues at the Albany Clinic, Newton Abbot was sent to as advised by Mark Charlesworth responding from Manchester ...
... read this. I had first opened the GMC Medical Register assuming that she was medically qualified. No entry. I learn from the biography above that she has BSc and PhD degrees, related to microbiology. ...
"Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side."
A Quotation From: The NHS Dismantled
In his report to the Conservative Party’s Economic Reconstruction Group in 1977, Nicholas Ridley wrote that:
"...denationalisation should not be attempted by frontal attack but by preparation for return to the private sector by stealth. We should first pass legislation to destroy the public sector monopolies. We might also need to take power to sell assets. Secondly, we should fragment the industries as far as possible and set up the units as separate profit centres."