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"And I think, in the end, that is the best definition of journalism I have heard; to challenge authority - all authority - especially so when governments and politicians take us to war, when they have decided that they will kill and others will die."
~ Robert Fisk
David's Current Maxim: 'No mother and child should be in the least harmed anywhere in our still beautiful world.'
... me, together with some other doctors, to visit you at Doughty Street chambers to discuss the death of Dr David Kelly. We set out our concerns about the manner in which the state had dealt with this tragedy ...
... Crispin's - to discuss the multitude of facts - and lies, around the unnatural death of David Kelly CMG DSc this morning, is a speck of the whole. 'They' used every trick - detaching audio from video - ...
The likely assassination of David Kelly CMG DSc shows the lawlessness of the United Kingdom. This man, who was our foremost germ and chemical weapons expert with full MI6 and CIA clearance, was not ...
An audio interview with Tony Gosling.
David talks on a range of topics, including: Adverse Vaccine Reactions, The Key Iraq War Lies And How We Know Acting Head Of Porton Down Dr David Kelly Was ...
One of the saddest and most poignant moments of the investigation of the Iraq war was the death of #DrDavidKelly, the weapons inspector who was found dead back in 2003 having given compelling testimony ...
... MP that he had been asked to meet Lord Chancellor Falconer in his Lord's office around noon of the 18th July and that he agreed to serve.(6) At that point the subject, David Christopher Kelly CMG DSc had ...
... also emphasised the importance in the evidence of our 'Opinion as to the likelihood that the death of David Kelly CMG DSc was the direct result of haemorrhage due to transection of his left ulnar artery'. ...
... that the 'dossier' used by Blair as a pretext for bombardment and invasion of Iraq had been enhanced. Many citizens already knew that. The 'government' made sure that Kelly's name was identified – against ...
... Instead of an inquest first and an inquiry into the political and media storm surrounding the death second, my Lord Falconer appointed my Lord Hutton on the same day Dr Kelly was found. That is while ...
In the matter of an application for permission for judicial review of the decision by the Attorney General Mr Dominic Grieve QC MP, to refuse the plea of Dr Stephen Frost et al for an inquest into the ...
Evidence submitted by David Halpin FRCS in five documents to the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, as part of a plea with 5 other doctors for a new inquest on Dr David Kelly. Summaries of these four documents ...
A speech given at the Totnes Truth Festival in Totnes Civic Hall during the election. The day was centred around the independent candidate for the South Hams constituency, Dr Stephen Hopwood MB BS, who ...
... deceit extends also to the investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly. Why did Lord Falconer choose a method of inquiry which was specifically designed to be invoked for multiple deaths, in order to ...
The German word for suicide is more direct than the English: Selbstmord - self-murder.
Did Dr David Kelly - husband, father of three daughters and a leading world expert in chemical and germ warfare ...
... from which so many crimes flow - Nuremberg 1, and in the investigation of this single death among millions, is central. He ordered the whitewash of the Hutton inquiry whilst David Kelly's body was still ...
... the truth
You have studied and been trained in the law. I have closely followed the case of David Kelly CMG DSc. Indeed I might have the most expert ...
"Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side."
A Quotation From: The NHS Dismantled
In his report to the Conservative Party’s Economic Reconstruction Group in 1977, Nicholas Ridley wrote that:
"...denationalisation should not be attempted by frontal attack but by preparation for return to the private sector by stealth. We should first pass legislation to destroy the public sector monopolies. We might also need to take power to sell assets. Secondly, we should fragment the industries as far as possible and set up the units as separate profit centres."