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"And I think, in the end, that is the best definition of journalism I have heard; to challenge authority - all authority - especially so when governments and politicians take us to war, when they have decided that they will kill and others will die."
~ Robert Fisk
David's Current Maxim: 'No mother and child should be in the least harmed anywhere in our still beautiful world.'
Thank you Geoff. I had read the much truncated 'confidential' report in the ...
... days before they would have had an appointment in the hospital, now that's down to about four to five days," said Mr David Milliken, the consultant in charge of the service.
60 days - a failed NHS - ...
... for ethical, medical and political reasons especially. Bear in mind that £420 billion has been spent on 'covid', just under three times the annual NHS budget. I attach the letter of refusal, and attach ...
... vaulting hills and valleys of East Devon. (att) Freddie who cared so much about the whole of OUR NHS and the need for excellence, and with few words spoke truths which others did not see. One of many to ...
... good teams at my side. I have seen OUR NHS - using the strategy of destabilise>demoralise>dismantle > destroyed (largely), including under the fascist regimes from Thatcher onward, and including that ...
And at the same time the destruction of all public services was set in train, the NHS at the fore - using the 'destabilise>demoralise>dismantle>destroy strategy I write about so often. And that nice ...
... 70% of such beds in these crucial hospitals have been closed in Devon. The fascists in Westminster have minds and intentions that see OUR NHS as being too good for the common woman and man. They want a ...
... for the Palestinian people eg and he can be contacted through his website He also continues to speak strongly for the NHS and for an inquest ...
... queue in Bristol to register for NHS dental treatment with charges and 11 million are facing 'fuel poverty', to another fascist in Neo-Nazi Ukraine.
for truth and for 'no mother and child should be ...
... citizen who has done his best within OUR NHS and for those suffering in what was called Palestine - the native people. Those in Gaza especially where I have visited 10 times as a surgeon and 'humanitarian'. ...
... we pay for. There will be good journalists and editors within who will read these messages below. I write as someone who has healed thousands with good teams by my side in OUR NHS. In me is 'heal and do ...
This present trial, the 'recruitment' for which is said on this website to now be complete at c.9000, may already have started. It is set to take place at 22 centres ...
... 1988 - this being the first direct stroke to dismantle OUR NHS surreptitiously - as advised by Ridley, Letwin and Redwood.
But all this is nothing new - and I continuously quote the Tolpuddle Martyrs. ...
... as possible, and with good humour.
She had wonderful support within our NHS, and especially the 'end of life' care provided by District and Weldmar Hospice nurses. The care given by her partner Andy ...
... witness and victim statements were obtained and provided to the ‘Met’ by lawyer Lois Bayliss. These statements included NHS and care home whistleblowers and three GP’s. Not one of these witnesses or victims ...
... and why were we ditching it. The answers of course were several but private profit was at the top. As with OUR NHS – public is bad, private is good. And so we have this disgusting story of dear Agnes who ...
" In absence of an acknowledgement that my open letter sent to him at 5.19 pm 22-03-2022 via had been received for his attention, I 'phoned 01392 205 205. I assumed, ...
"Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side."
A Quotation From: The NHS Dismantled
In his report to the Conservative Party’s Economic Reconstruction Group in 1977, Nicholas Ridley wrote that:
"...denationalisation should not be attempted by frontal attack but by preparation for return to the private sector by stealth. We should first pass legislation to destroy the public sector monopolies. We might also need to take power to sell assets. Secondly, we should fragment the industries as far as possible and set up the units as separate profit centres."