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re attempted interview by Crispin Flintoff bcc of Not The Andrew Marr Show

bcc to Jeremy Corbyn in Pugin's Palace

There is proof that we are living in a fascist country all about, Julian Assange a symbol. I weep for him and his family. The anger of Aquinas swells as I write his name.

My attempt, or rather Crispin's - to discuss the multitude of facts - and lies, around the unnatural death of David Kelly CMG DSc this morning, is a speck of the whole.  'They' used every trick - detaching audio from video - putting it out of phase grossly, having my speech echoed etc. Video at Crispin's end blanked intermittently.

And I am very used to it.  For instance, our group - Dr Michael Powers QC  bcc. Miles Goslett - independent journalist bcc, Dr Stephen Frost bcc, the late and very good friend - Dr Chris Burns-Cox bcc to his doctor son, myself   met with Francis Swaine bcc at Leigh Day's by the city walls. LD had done a great deal of work for truth without charge. This meeting July 2011 was to discuss whether we should proceed to challenge the decision of Grieve then Attorney General in his decision not to instigate an inquest this death has never been subjected to by petitioning the High Court. (We did 19-11-2011 see my website. Failed but see     10 minutes  )

The meeting on that Tuesday was recorded. The LD IT person prepared a mini-disc and it was sent out on the Wednesday. I knew my colleagues had received it promptly. I had a note in the post on the Saturday from the 'mail centre' Newton Abbot to say there was a packet for me that was 'postage unpaid'. So I went down. The Jiffy packet had been opened, and the disc was within. The printed 'paid' - had been torn away - hence the charge. I conferred with Miles Goslett who said I should report this - a crime in our dear land. I did so and a detective, who had served in Northern Ireland, took my story and saw the evidence - coolly and well. I had the impression he was in emI5. As I thanked him and bade goodbye - he said he wished me well re Kelly. This was earlier said by another policeman - they know when fish stinks.

This is but one instance of SIS interference in OUR LAW.  I can give many more - and know I have been under surveillance since I spoke very clearly against Thatcher's 'internal market' in 1988 - this being the first direct stroke to dismantle OUR NHS surreptitiously - as advised by Ridley, Letwin and Redwood.

But all this is nothing new - and I continuously quote the Tolpuddle Martyrs. On my home page read the quotes from Milton Mayer's book - here is the link

The hour is late - a dark has fallen over our beautiful world - now tortured.

Rise up   XXXVIII with utter determination, informed and with Gandhian peacefulness 

‘Rise like Lions after slumber  In unvanquishable number,  Shake your chains to earth like dew  Which in sleep had fallen on you, –

Ye are many – they are few.’

for truth
