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Hope in Despair: An interview of Father Manuel Masallam Gaza March 2008

Video recording - with the usual background noise -- by Dr David Halpin FRCS of the Dove and Dolphin Charity and in the presence of Dr Khamis Elessi.

Father Masallam spent 14 years in Gaza and retired to Bir Zeit, his family home, in 2009.

This interview took place a few days after a smaller shoah - holocaust, around 1 March. 127 people were killed by thermobaric missiles. This massacre included 57 children.

The padre speaks of the philosophy of resistance and of the suffering of the children. He says they are all harmed and they all need to cry, to grieve. He later spoke, outside the editing, of their great need for joy, which his radiance would help transmit.

Edited by Tim Coles. Shortened by David McKinnon