Senior journalists + editors at Spotlight BBC SW
Dear Jenny Walrond and Justin Leigh,
I noted your broadcast 6-01-19 - A&E at RCH overwhelmed. 12 hour waits for some. A DGH not able to take acute admissions so looking at DGHs elsewhere. Consider the youngster with symptoms and sign of acute appendicitis. In the ambulance **. Prompt diagnosis - saved from peritonitis. (Female - risk of infertility) Whilst there are urgent 'phone calls out of the county. Consider the despair of any one with real physical or mental illness waiting, waiting.
And last night 7-01-19 ?all SW DGHs on '''opal four''' !!- in place of the more obvious 'black alert'.
Last week - patients at Plympton - difficulty in registering with GP, and Sherford 'new town' no glitsy surgery yet. The CCG, responsible for the provision and standards of the medical services failing but 'considering' options - after the families had moved into often shoddily built homes - your report.
You greyed out Independent candidates, as did ITV. On my election annexe -
Read more: RCH NHS on its Beam End: BBC Silent as to Causes.
Audio for Radio Devon via journalist Sophie Pierce whom I like, and who has interviewed me several times 11.30 10-12-19
Dear Sophie,
Campaigning hard as an Independent man and mind in the constituency of Newton Abbot. Back from the woods, I had a message about 10 days ago to contact you. You have interviewed me several times, first and way back to do with the Voyage of The Dove and the Dolphin - 1-02-03. Again re my fight with good others for the life of our Community Hospitals and their vital in-patient beds. Lost - hence the third world chaos in OUR DGHs. Every day I hear stories of gross negligence.
I 'phoned the Plymouth BBC, and James recorded about 7 minutes of my forth right responses to about 6 set questions. He said 'great'. I trust he will stay in post. He said you were unsure when the whole piece would be broadcast. I have not heard. I have watched a few minutes of the Boris/Jeremy Punch and Judy show which central BBC 'editors' are keen to flog to infinity. I have seen a few excruciating clips from the third form debating society - Mrs Swinson. Britain has been lowered mostly by our politicians but ably helped by the 'media'.
BBC Sunday 5th May 2019 7.30 am via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Mr Stourton,
I am addressing you in your journalistic role on this most beautiful day in AD 2019. I have in mind your need for the oft quoted 'balance' and for corroboration by a second. Sue and me are fortunate, on this edge of Dartmoor, to have helped Nature grow a garden in keeping with this day. The sun is lighting the beeches and, on the spur of the moment, we are opening it to passing humans.
Our brothers and sisters in Gaza, where I have been ten times, live under the same sun but are on the cross. Although now just 79, but with the same energy, I am barred by the Zionist entity from standing at the foot of that cross, some 80 miles from the original, in Gaza. ** Barred because I was one of sixteen humans without one bullet between us on MV Dignity ** which was rammed (attached) by one of three gun boats 66 miles off Haifa in the dark and in stiff seas 30-12-08. Just a speck of its destructive urge. The intention (I always look to the intention) was to drown every one of us - 'Muslim', 'Christian', atheist or Christian Atheist like me. The first words of the ramming captain over the FM radio (another was responsible for focusing a search light on our hull) - 'You are Terrorists'. We had enough spirit to want to join our fellows suffering yet another convulsion of killing by the unlawful entity. Unlawful by UNGA Resolution 194 and by its relentless, pitiless and lethal treatment of the native people. Thus I cannot continue the Voyage of the Dove and the Dolphin ** which, with the same spirit, began 1-02-03.
I have digressed but with reason. I cannot check the facts because, although I 'registered' with the BBC months ago, I cannot enter the BBC web site. I get only Mr Graham Norton but not his dirty innuendos you broadcast.
Dear Mr Woolvin,
You might be restrained in responding to me by your editor or the 'rules'.
The only truthful way of telling this story was to add 'an aim which was shared by the British Government under Mrs May.'
Being within the BBC bubble, you might think its broadcasting is benign. It is the opposite. A good example is the recent BBC output on McCain, helping to ramp up the cruel imperialist wars of the USA in which the UK almost always plays poodle. This article spells it out well by my friend Finian Cunningham.
The BBC consistently reports with bias on Palestine, showing little fairness towards the crucified native people. I have had much to do with the Palestinian people whose suffering is not told by the media here, nor the context.
The BBC reports daily on what I call our societal disintegration. Today it is the outrageous lack of specialist maths and physics teachers in particular, and in 'disadvantaged' areas.
Read more: Spotlight broadcast re conviction of Muslim dental student for assisting terrorism.
Dear Mr Stourton and Mr Crawley,
This further e-mail should be directed to the producer but I do not have his address.
I scanned the last episode of Sunday – 16th of November, and found no content relevant to child abuse. The obduracy of the BBC in bringing forward the key facts in this most terrible crime fits with its illicit cover up of Thompson's knowledge that abuse by Savile was being investigated on good grounds by the Newsnight team before praise were then heaped upon this very devil.
Miles Goslett is a close friend. We worked together on another case where truth lies buried. I know what extreme efforts he went to in order to squeeze some truth from Thompson. It is no surprise that the BBC is so far of course having been headed by a man of this low calibre.
Read more: Child abuse and the BBC's responsibility in this.
Dear 'Think' TV,
I seldom watch your programme nowadays because the black propaganda element is so large. It was confirmed tonight. I have not 'played it again' but hope my memory serves. Mr Frei introduced the subject of riotous behaviour at Bassingbourn Barracks and Ms Hilsum reported from the site.
Drunkeness and sexual assaults on women were among the charges against the cadets. A picture was painted of an amoral rabble. (You will recall that in the armed action to overthrow Ghaddafi the 'rebels' were sometimes called rabbles.)
From: David Halpin
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 10:42 PM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Snow, Jon; Miller, Jonathan; Smith, Sarah; Thomson, Alex
Subject: C4 tonight
I seldom watch the ''News'' on either the BBC or C4 channel, but tonight I watched the latter. I was disgusted at the bias and the lack of corroboration.
In regard to 'chemical weapons' I noted you did not quote the UN lady who reported that a nerve gas had been used by the rebels in one attack. It would have been an easy matter to get shells to one of the c. 100 rabble groups. And if the Syrian army had used chemical weapons 27 times - cui bono . Would my colleague with his FRCS obtain advantage in this? It would be a certain way to call NATO bombs upon his head.
Read more: Crap Red Herring – Chemical Weapons in Syria/Iraq/Zionist entity
1. promiscuous sexual intercourse - thereby increasing the risk of transmission of the virus and individual infection
2. the absence of barrier contraception.
Read more: HPV immunisation "Helping Keep The Girls Healthy"
Dear Sir,
Jerry Jones conclusion (Morning Star Wednesday June 8) that the National Health Service is well on the way to the market was spot on. As someone who fought tooth and nail against the US inspired 'internal market' of Thatcher, Ridley and Einthoven, my anger still cannot be contained. Few know the conspiracy caused the administrative costs to double at least, from about 5% of the total budget. That induced instability, with loss of professional leadership, set today's scene- from the causes of the MRSA epidemic to an easy ability to pick juicy grapes for corporatists everywhere.
Other correspondents have written of the systematic attack on everything that is of public value, especially to the poor. During the election period, a minority called in this paper for continued support for New Labour and for people to 'reform it from within'. This was symbolised for me by the reported, helpful conversation between Tony Benn and Tony Blair. I could not see that such reform would happen given the level of infiltration, sycophancy and preferment. Instead, I hoped against hope that the party would be incinerated so a true party of the left could be rebuilt. I am glad that I worked for Respect and I will see it grow as all the neo-liberal 'policies' are revealed as dross, driven by dogma or profit.
David Halpin FRCS