Evening 'News'. Online
Dear Spotlight and BBC,
I happened to see this segment - my wife Sue has very poor sight and cannot read 'news' in papers nor online so resorts to what goes for the same via the megawattage.
As a senior doctor and surgeon who has kept abreast of almost all aspects of human medicine, and much else, this report 'stood out'.
Quote from Matthew Hill March 24 Since it was launched (September 2023), the trust said the average wait for an appointment has decreased from 63 days to four.
Quote from second link above - online It has helped more than 375 women since it launched last September (2023) and the model is being used to detect other cancers too, the trust said. 9828 cases 2017-2019 UK Say 4,400 per annum
Somerset population 573,100 UK population 68 million Somerset population 0.84 % of total
Simple analysis - in the 15 months - 375 women - exclusions - a. those on HRT - hormone replacement b. those who went through the preferred and usual channel > to GP and referral onwards to specialist who were found to have endometrial cancer c. those who were found to have a benign cause for bleeding - say benign uterine polyps d. malign causes lower in the tract e. malign causes in an ovary
1. What number of Somerset women within a total population of 0.84 % of the UK population would be expected to have endometrial cancer based on the Cancer Research UK figure above?
2. Has there been some national or global cause for this current epidemic since September 2023 ? eg the 'rollout' - in the US at 'Warp Speed' of a so called 'vaccine' without the usual third phase trials and with criminally insufficient first and second phase 'clinical trials' . See Pfizer. Know that a gene sequence SV 40 contained in most of the junk - can initiate cancer. Astra Zenica/Oxford poison - starts with genes derived from a disease in the chimpanzee! And multiplied in a broth derived from the kidney cells 'harvested' from a human 'foetus' gathered after a so called 'medical' abortion c. 40 years ago.
3. We note "Previously it would have taken up to 60 days before they would have had an appointment in the hospital, now that's down to about four to five days," said Mr David Milliken, the consultant in charge of the service.
60 days - a failed NHS - and excluding further delay - PV, endoscopy, biopsy - definitive surgery
4. The BBC which joined in every minute with the psychological operation with psychopaths like Johnson for 'lock down' and the later totally unnecessary roll out of poison omits the cost of the whole based on fear (see Edward Bernays and the BBC 4 x hour long programmes on the 'The Century of the Self ' by Adam Curtis and the manipulation of the mind en masse.)
£540 billion - almost three times the annual budget of the NHS, excluding the thousands of bankruptcies, resulting suicides etc etc
5. Much more - but this is personal, and know that the cancer rate - including brain cancers, has risen with this inoculation of about 70% of the global population. And they present suddenly and progress quickly - 'turbo'.
Our dear daughter Fiona aged 56, dying/killed May 5th 2023 - a 'turbo'cancer of the rectum - 3 months between first symptom of 'rabbity' faeces to incipient obstruction 3 months later - her GP immediately feeling a pin hole initially, to the surgeon at 3 months in performing a colostomy not able to find little bowel not plastered with secondary tumour via 52 refs
Zero response from the GMC as to all correspondence re C19 and its crucifixion of doctors and surgeons who have spoken out for fellow citizens eg
I finish. Our daughter, intending to return to serving as a carer/supervisor was 'mandated' by to be inoculated. My wife Sue grieves as I do every day. Our son - usually very fit bar kidney stones and some gullet symptoms suffered a pulmonary embolus 9 month ago. Oral anti-coagulation followed. He has regained his fitness. He had one inoculation of the junk - that inducement - wanting to be flown abroad.
We are dealing with elemental evil - as in the holocaust in Gaza, grafted on to a 76 year long genocide of the native people.
for truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS