BBC Sunday 5th May 2019 7.30 am via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Mr Stourton,
I am addressing you in your journalistic role on this most beautiful day in AD 2019. I have in mind your need for the oft quoted 'balance' and for corroboration by a second. Sue and me are fortunate, on this edge of Dartmoor, to have helped Nature grow a garden in keeping with this day. The sun is lighting the beeches and, on the spur of the moment, we are opening it to passing humans.
Our brothers and sisters in Gaza, where I have been ten times, live under the same sun but are on the cross. Although now just 79, but with the same energy, I am barred by the Zionist entity from standing at the foot of that cross, some 80 miles from the original, in Gaza. ** Barred because I was one of sixteen humans without one bullet between us on MV Dignity ** which was rammed (attached) by one of three gun boats 66 miles off Haifa in the dark and in stiff seas 30-12-08. Just a speck of its destructive urge. The intention (I always look to the intention) was to drown every one of us - 'Muslim', 'Christian', atheist or Christian Atheist like me. The first words of the ramming captain over the FM radio (another was responsible for focusing a search light on our hull) - 'You are Terrorists'. We had enough spirit to want to join our fellows suffering yet another convulsion of killing by the unlawful entity. Unlawful by UNGA Resolution 194 and by its relentless, pitiless and lethal treatment of the native people. Thus I cannot continue the Voyage of the Dove and the Dolphin ** which, with the same spirit, began 1-02-03.
I have digressed but with reason. I cannot check the facts because, although I 'registered' with the BBC months ago, I cannot enter the BBC web site. I get only Mr Graham Norton but not his dirty innuendos you broadcast.
- First interview - Rabbi Engel from LA, about the killing of one in an LA synagogue. There is a Jewish saying, is there not, that to 'kill one is to kill the whole world'? But do mention Baruch Goldstein and his slaughter of 28 at prayer in the mosque at Hebron, and those who survived. Been there - guarded by the US funded IDO. Or that earlier massacre of 'Jews'/Zionists by a Palestinian man after they had been tormented and killed in their thousands in their own land.
- Engel said that a young 'Jew' (?heritage ?Ashkenazi?) questioned his Mum about changing his name to protect himself from physical attack. Do mention the many dozens of 'Jewish' actors/esses feted in Hollywood who changed their names. And mention that the London 'Jewish' 'community' is guarded our big cities by the CST - partly funded by the UK taxpayer. Little protection, or reaction by our police, to the attacks on Muslims?
- The second interviewee spoke of the fine 'electoral' balance held between the risible Democrat/Republican 'divide' by the 'Jewish' ''community'' in Florida, Penn etc. He did not include the potent funding of the election expenses of a big majority of aspirants for Congress - ie House of Representatives and the Senate. Think Adelson, think arms to the ''settlers' in the ''West'' Bank.
- The main message was that the mass, by implication the goyim, should not conflate 'Israel' with Jewishness or Judaism, the latter point being made by Naturie Karta. BUT, those knifing Mr Corbyn, like Hodge, are manufacturing that union, to add to those two weapons to silence criticism of the entity ie the Holocaust (usually lower case 'h' for Hiroshima etc etc) and 'anti-semitism'.
Mention the 'policing' in our big cities by the CST - partly funded by the UK taxpayer. Little protection, or reaction by our police, to the attacks on Muslims -
I am sorry for all the inverted commas, but they cannot escape in this context. You will guess that I am a 'universalist' and look to the human, not the label. I must continue speaking out with many others because the dark does threaten more and more.
This is written in the best faith and in my loathing of all willful maiming and killing of all creatures. I have had the great privilege of healing thousands as a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon. One of several maxims I write - 'No mother and child should be in the least harmed ANYWHERE in our still beautiful world.' Instead, the entity, its engine and funder the US, and its poodle the UK, are planning more of the same. We get the auburn 'President' daily on the BBC 'News' when he is not 'tweeting'.
for truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS
ps I have addressed you and Sunday previously about your entirely inadequate segments re homosexual abuse of boys and men in the C of E. That was - no reference to the need for criminal investigation starting with reports to the police.
** see my web site - good search engine - just Google David Halpin
1st Floor,
Dock House,
M50 2LH
7thMay 2019
Dear Sunday,
I should be grateful to know whether you received an e-mail this last Sunday entitle ‘Anti-Semitism’ addressed to Mr Edward Stourton on 5-05-19 at 9.09 am. I had no acknowledgement or actual reply.
I also wrote thrice to you regarding the discussion about the sexual abuse of boys and otherswithin the churches.
Sexual abuse of children Judge Cahill 'Systemic failures' Discussion with Ms Lawrence who had been abused herself 28-10-14 10.31 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and yourselves second This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sexual abuse of children Judge Cahill 'Systemic failures' Discussion with Ms Lawrence who had been abused herself 11-11-14 5.47 pm to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and yourselves
Fwd: Sexual abuse of children Judge Cahill 'Systemic failures' Discussion with Ms Lawrence who had been abused herself 11-11-14 7.10 pm This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and to you at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Were these e-mails received at your office? Was any reply considered. Both very important topics in a general and religious context.
for truth
David Halpin