We are in a fight for civilization, and within that - for freedom of thought and expression, as well as the future of mankind. This most oppressive, even fascist action against fellow citizens, is emblematic. We must stand for them and for the freedoms Britain fought for in WW2.
Does my definition fit my description of the actions, and judgements made against Deanna Yeates and Michael Pendlebury? Details can be found here.
"The subjugation of the individual's will and freedom by an overweening state. Humanity withers, freedom of speech is stifled and the soul dies. Self preservation becomes a dominant drive. "
Guess why the Western Morning 'News' did not publish it.
Dear Letters Editor,
This as you know is a most important test of our mostly illusory democracy. I should be grateful for your publishing this letter below - from my heart, and as a patriot. I am greatly concerned by the lowering of this country.
David H.
Dear Letters Editor,
I am certain that many thousands of your readers will have been outraged by the treatment of this couple through our justice system as reported 12th April on page 8 of the WMN.
I first comment as a well trained and observant doctor first, and surgeon second, on the 'science' at the bottom of government responses to an epidemic of a novel and nasty virus. It proved vicious in the frail elderly and in those with so called 'co-morbidities' ie other chronic illnesses like gross obesity.
Read more: Plympton coffee shop - fined for breaking lockdown advice/rules/mandates/LAWS
Dear Susanna,
I note this e-mail from you at 10.09 last night. I have slept well on your prior response. Clearly your attention to your duties as clerk for 12 years to the Haccombe with Combe PC (HcC) goes well beyond the usual. Perhaps you regard your initial acceptance of my application to fill one of two long standing vacancies as of some importance to the function of this PC, and the perverse reversal since.
I am copying this quite widely. I know that although people generally do not like 'rocking the boat', there are citizens in the HcC parish who are very concerned with the doings of the HcC PC - over years. You know I have brought evidence of that to you as clerk since 2012. Bias against the general good is clear to a fair bystander. The response to my reporting of the vandalism regarding the restoration of an ancient buddle by me with paid labour for public good, by the new owner of Cow Field up Barcombe Lane, is the latest. The PC response is anodyne at least, and I would say firmly biased in general favour of wider, gross vandalism by him. There is photographic evidence of that on file - my disc and another, but the attaching key ones take too long in the sending by e-m.
It goes without saying that you are clerk, going back you say over 12 years, to a public authority and forum. I have suffered great distress, now shortly to be 82, as a result of the malicious intent to do with the Ancient Drove Track that borders my wood pasture of 18 acres on its west. And spent hundreds of hours writing in vain to you as clerk, as well as continuing to care for the track, often with paid labour. I have done this since about 1980, six years before I purchased this land from Martin Boyd. This as you know involved restoring the two buddles so it became a good foot and bridle path, rather than a deep V. That allowed older citizens to enjoy the nature in the banks, and the beauty of the trees. Sadly, the wide trampling by 4x4s which PC directly facilitated has contributed by introducing root disease into often majestic wild cherries/geans. The few that remain standing are now dead. You will also know that there are three extant crime numbers relating to this track, generated by myself. The most relevant to me is the criminal damage done to the ancient hedge bank I own, and care for. The erstwhile chairman, and present deputy chairman, Mr Tim Boarer, has driven his own vehicle up this beautiful track, and widened it at points with a mini-digger hired from him and paid for from public funds. ie HcC PC account.
"I would like to post this with acknowledgements to Tony Gosling. I understand the letter was first in print in the Guardian newspaper. And with our best wishes, Sue and myself, to the couple. I say this is the ultimate expression of the fascism in Britain - so long existing.
Sue brought me a small report in the Western Morning News which included a photo, with Stella in a wedding gown made by Vivienne Westwood. I note that DEA - Don't Extradite Assange, from which I get frequent updates, did not send this very truthful letter from Stella.
I see it as vengeance first of all - by the axis especially, for the telling of its most terrible crimes. That 'axis of evil' as first spoken by the psychopath Bush, but instead Israel/UK/US. One can search this phrase and find it in 'halpin surgeon'. https://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/search?searchword=axis%20of%20evil&searchphrase=all 11 references
This written in the certainty that the torrents of present evil will be a self limiting disease.
Finally this is the reference http://markcurtis.info/2020/01/23/julian-assanges-judge-and-her-husbands-links-to-the-british-military-establishment-exposed-by-wikileaks/ to an article by Mark Curtis ( His seminal book - Web of Deceit) and Matt Kennard, describing connections between the Lord Chief Justice and those having influence in the unlawful and most cruel incarceration of journalist Julian Assange."
‘Today I will marry the love of my life’: Julian Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris This is not a prison wedding, it is a declaration of love and resilience in spite of the prison walls, in spite of the political persecution, in spite of the arbitrary detention, in spite of the harm and harassment inflicted on Julian and our family. Their torment only makes our love grow stronger.
Every part of this private event is being intensely policed, from our guest list to the wedding picture. Behind the scenes we have been locked in a dispute with the Ministry of Justice and prison authorities, who have denied our proposed witnesses because they are journalists; and who have denied our proposed photographer because he also works as a press photographer, even though they would all attend in a private capacity.
The prison states that our wedding picture is a security risk because it could end up in social media or the press. How absurd. What kind of security threat could a wedding picture pose? Belmarsh regularly permits photography. Tommy Robinson and other convicted prisoners were allowed to be interviewed on camera when ITV filmed inside Belmarsh prison. But for Julian, who isn’t even serving a sentence, there appear to be a different set of rules.
" In absence of an acknowledgement that my open letter sent to him at 5.19 pm 22-03-2022 via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. had been received for his attention, I 'phoned 01392 205 205. I assumed, this being the Exeter exchange number, that I would be answered at Devon County Hall. No, - a switchboard operator in Pomona House close to Torbay Hospital. 'Debbie' could not immediately find 'corporate services'. A 'Sam' in this department answered, and would not give his surname - as so often. (I am never anonymous).
He told me that Dr Paul Johnson was on leave until next week, and uncertain of his date of return. I am not certain if Sam found the e-mail. But I asked that my letter, sent by e-mail, is read by a qualified doctor on the CCG medical board, in the absence of the clinical chairman.
Dear Sam,
Please confirm before 5pm today by e-mail and telephone that this letter
has been sent to Dr Johnson's deputy, a medical doctor, and that the doctor has noted receipt. This is not a trivial matter. It is the polar opposite, and I am logging the responses.
David Halpin MB BS FRCS 01364 661115 KJiln Shotts, Haytor, Newton Abbot TQ13 9XR "
Professor Lim Wei Shen,
JCVI and all members
Professor Sir Christopher Whitty
Chief Medical Officer
Rt Hon Sajid Javid
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Cc Rt Hon Boris Johnson
Prime Minister
10th February 2022
Updated 22ndFebruary
Dear Professor Shen, Professor Whitty and Sajid Javid,
We wrote to you and also the MHRA last month regarding urgent investigation of the acknowledged increase in all cause mortality in males aged 15-19 since the Pfizer covid vaccine rollout commenced in this age group in May 2021. ONS have acknowledged in the High Court in London, that the figure of 402 excess deaths is significantly higher than the previous 5 year average of 337 deaths. It has proved impossible to get the actual data. Indeed they stated it is probably an underestimate because of delays for coroners’ cases. This equates to at least two additional teenage boys dying each week of the roll-out, possibly more. It is thus very disappointing not to have received any response.
We are writing further to ask you to pause the vaccines for children while you undertake and publish an urgent review of the risk/benefit analysis. In August 2021 you concluded that there was no medical justification for vaccinating healthy 12-15-year-olds, with the authorisation based on an aim to reduce school closures. But this new safety signal and the impact of this uncertainty, must affect your assessment of the risk to benefits.
Read more: Open Letter to Professor Shen, Professor Whitty and Sajid Javid