London Agreement - US, UK, France and USSR setting up Nürnberg to prosecute Nazi war criminals - August 8, 1945
The fascist -"The sub-human who delights in crushing the life out of humans' as in Gaza.
Dear Sir Keir,
I am writing to you again using your HoC MP address. I write as a retired trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who has healed thousands with good teams at my side, having qualified as a doctor at St Mary's W2 in 1964. This was followed by 11 years of training before I became a consultant in 1975.
I was brought up by a tender mother - herself abandoned as a little girl in the chaos between two World Wars to 'end all wars', and by a father who cared deeply about our country and the world. He had direct experience of fascism. Six months after I was born 14-04-1940, he went in from our little rented gateway cottage in Lyndhurst to the family business in which he was the key earner being a self taught electronic engineer. He found a crater. One result of 4000 thousand high explosive bombs dropped in two blitzes on Southampton towards the end of September in that year. The Nazis had also dropped 40,000 incendiary bombs on this large and vital town. The Hurricane/Spitfire factory by the Itchen was a primary target. The glow of 'Soton' burning could be seen at night from Cherbourg 40 miles away.
You will certainly know that the agent in this firing is white phosphorus as used by the Zionist regime in attacks on the Lebanon, on the humans in Gaza, and most recently - in all probability, in the attack on those sheltering in the car park of Ahli Arab hospital early in this current and long continued holocaust grafted on to a genocide started in 1948. Professor Ilan Pappe, a Palestine born historian, has documented this in his 2006 book 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine' bcc. As a previous director of the Crown Prosecution Service - which I see was set up in 1880, you had probably included that in your reading of international lawlessness.
My most recent open letter to you - pleading for lawfulness, is here
I add these references to white phosphorus from my necessarily very full and deep website via
I select two out of these five relevant postings - You will read that I focus on a previous ''Labour'' Prime Minister, and whom I always describe on the best evidence as being a paramount psychopath and war criminal. Beware the images of Ali Abbas who suffered terrible injuries - which I am certain were caused by a 'WMD' - in this instance a neutron shell - an 'Enhanced Radiation Weapon' of Cohen of the Livermore 'Laboratory of Hell on Earth'. A WMD which Iraq did not possess but which was the central casus belli in a war agreed on over bloodied steaks in April 2002 at the G.W. Bush ranch. For the heinous crime against Ali Abbas, Blair should have been tried for this alone.
And this I choose -
Quote - Mr Netanyahu via the BBC - your present friend.
Read the header. ("Mr Netanyahu. Stop this genocide. This is a shoah, an holocaust" 18th of October 2023) I add this plea in memory of my friend, the late Hedy Epstein. She was a young child in a shtetl in eastern Germany. Her family were anti-Zionist but the majority in the village supported Zionism. Hedy's family perished in the Nazi death camps.
I will attempt to end this plea for law in the UK and in our wonderful world, but which world is on the edge of an abyss of eternal darkness.
Through this humble man in Cornwall I learn that two fellow citizens of the UK have been arrested after twelve police/MI5 officers came unannounced to their homes. Just as my friend and advocate Reiner Fuellmict has been arrested in Germany some months ago for speaking the truth
You have studied and been trained in the law. I have closely followed the case of David Kelly CMG DSc. Indeed I might have the most expert knowledge about this moral man and vital public servant. You know that his unnatural death 17/18-07-2003 has never been subject to an inquest. How is that for law in the UK AD 2024? I wrote to the Attorney-General Lord Hermer over five weeks ago and have had no reply - instead simple but welcome acknowledgement.
Quote - I revere ‘the law’ and quote from your speech of yesterday in the Royal Courts of Justice.
“Being in government is a privilege that carries the responsibility of having to make hard choices but as we face the challenging path ahead the rule of law will be the lodestar for this government.” *
Surely - this should be the lode star of your new government.
But this is the reality 1700 sea miles from No 10
for truth
David Halpin MB BS FRCS Dartmoor
Dear Sir Keir,
I responded by filling in the form. I had to shorten it slightly to fit the word limit. But it would not 'send' Please enter a valid message
In default - this is the message - below. And a screenshot of my final attempt to 'send' (Not shown).
for truth and for 'no mother and child should be in the least harmed anywhere in our still beautiful world'.
David Halpin MB BS FRCS 0044 1364 661115
Dear Sir Keir,
I have written to you several times. This posting below is the second open letter to you on my general website -
This the letter
My website devoted to Palestine - the historic name for this formerly beautiful land with its noble and hospitable people, is - The last posting refers to the thoughts of the remarkable Palestinian Professor in Biological Sciences - Mazin Qumsiyeh. 20 years in the USA in academic appointments , and returning to his native land 10 years ago. He writes from the Bethlehem ghetto. This the posting
I heal and do no harm. To Gaza 10 times
Rt Hon Keir Starmer KC, MP
Prime Minister & First Lord of the Treasury
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